(72 days old) B10
stands up 6:13:38 & stretches, then preens; more stretches 6:30:36; PS
6:31:27; to Y-nook 6:31:37; crop drops & stares into cam 6:36:02; IR light
off 6:47:56; flaps wings 7:00:55, to nest for more winging 7:01:00; back to
Y-nook 7:01:18; flaps & moves up LB 7:02:46, tracking something; to nest
7:03:48; hops back to Y-nook 7:03:59; to nest to check pantry 7:04:50; back to
Y-nook 7:08:02; to nest 7:30:47; picks up s stick 7:3326; backs onto right rail
7:33:37; goes to Y-nook & picks up a pinecone 7:34:04; to nest 7:44:40;
picks up a stick or nestover 7:46:16 & takes it to the Y-nook 7:46:22;
perched on Y-nook & preening 8:38:41; still perched on Y-nook looking sad
& lonely 9:32:24; big wing spread & right leg stretch 9:37:00, wing
flaps while moving up the LB 9:37:46 & yoga stretch; rouses 9:39:03 &
moves further up LB; Cam 1 reset 9:41-ish. Still perched high up on LB
10:00:00; wingersizing on LB & turns around 10:25:37 for more wingersizing;
flaps to nest 10:26:35 to wingersize; flaps over to right rail 10:27:07, back
to left side 10:27:51; PS 10:28:03, then a hop & back up to Y-Nook;
wingersizing 10:29:56, Cam 1 reset 10:37 & 10:44; B10 still perched on
Y-nook 11:40:22 (raining); perched on the LB in the rain, still looking
pitiful, then flaps wings & turns around and flaps some more 11:49:41;
wingercises on the LB 11:50:50; still perched 12:28:55; wingercises 12:44:47;
B10 to nest 12:45:14, moves & plays with back rail 12:46:28; hops &
flaps 12:47:58; wingercises & catches air 12:48:52; B10 to LB 12:50:16;
turns around 12:50:52, flaps & walks up LB 12:51:10, goes almost out of cam
range 12:51:23, scoots out of cam 1 view 1:19:05; D in FD w/rat 2:35:09, B10 hops
to nest 2:35:12 & claims it, D backs up to Y-nook 2:35:39 & B10
wingslaps at him, D hops to LB 2:35:38 & out 2:35:53, B10 continues to self
feed; B10 hops to Y-nook 3:10:55; M in FD w/roadkill squirrel (or mangled
mess!) 3:52:09; B10 mantles, grabs M's foot, then the food; M moves over to B10
3:53:14 aerates then moves around B10 (faking her out) to get to the food
3:54:00, but B10 nibbles at her foot in the process; M manages to get the yucky
food 3:54:34, B10 immediately steals it back, then M takes it back 3:54:50; M
takes a nibble & B10 snatches it back 3:54:59 & moves away from M, B10
eats while M aerates; B10 stretches & moves away from food 3:57:58, M
attempts to walk over to get it but B10 snatches it back 3:58:11; B10
chitter-chatters & moves away again 3:58:43 (she doesn't want it, but
doesn't want M to have it either); bit of a tug-o-war 3:59:14, M gets it &
starts to eat, B10 chittering away; B10 makes the steal again 4:11:10, M takes
it back 4:11:46; B10 tries to take it 4:13:37, M gets it, B10 gets it, M gets
it back 4:13:52 (this is worse than cam resets, lol); M feeds B10 a bite
4:14:42, B10 grabs it 4:14:52, but of course M takes it back 4:15:04, then they
both nibble on it; another snatch & grab between M & B10 4:16:12;
sketti for B10 4:16:58, drops it & grabs another, gulps down the first
piece 4:17:29, then M feeds B10; B10 gulps another piece 4:18:56; B10 hops from
front rail across to BD 4:19:59 then flaps up to Y-nook 4:20:12; B10 squees big
time at M 4:21:15 & snatches whatever that tough thing is 4:21:18; M's had
enough, she hops to LB 4:23:47 & out 4:23:53; M in FD w/fish 6:00:57; B10
snatches it 6:00:59; Starts eating it 6:01:44; M gets pelt from behind B10
6:02:43; M tries to swallow it 6:02:51; takes it to pantry to pull apart
6:03:06; tries to swallow again 6:03:51; B10 stops eating fish for a moment to
get a bite from M 6:05:08; M swallows pelt 6:05:26; M hops to LB 6:12:57; M out
6:13:03; B10 hops to rt rail 6:15:39; then to nest 6:15:47; ps 6:16:08; then
hops to back of nest 6:16:12; watches a feather float to nest 6:16:21; walks
onto Y 6:22:43; Hops to right side of nest then stands on the stick in the nest
6:25:11; Hops to back of nest 6:26:05; lays down 6:34:16; D in BD w/food
8:03:16, B10 grabs it 8:03:17, D to 8:03:44, D watches something 8:03:50,
vocally alerts 8:04:06, intruder lands on 10 o'clock branch 8:04:09 and B10 and
Dad alerts, intruder moves 8:04:49; M swoops in to give chase 8:05:47 and D &
B10 watch the action; M flies behind nest tree 8:10:19; D to nest 8:18:06 &
M heard chattering; M leaves back tree & flies behind nest 8:19:36; B10 PS
8:20:46; B10 hops to LB 8:20:58 then to nest to chatter at D for eating her
food 8:21:16; D feeds B10 a bite 8:22:05 then holds some in his mouth (waiting
for B10?) before swallowing it 8:22:28; D feeds B10 a few more bites 8:23:10;
B10 really scolds D 8:25:19 tries to bite his feet 8:25:23 & D moves away;
B10 follows, still complaining so D hops to LB 8:26:08; B10 runs out of breath
for a few seconds 8:26:49 then starts chattering again; D turns to feak on the
LB & B10 gets loud again 8:27:32; B10 hops to right side of nest 8:29:23 to
pick at nestover& sticks; B10 lays down 8:31:22; D flies off 8:33:23; IR
light on 8:41:36pm.