(70 days old) EARLY
MORN: B10 wakes up 1:16:46am, D lands on LB 1:17:23 & B10 stands up; after
a lot of looking around & preening, B10 lays back down1:50:19B10 gets back
up at 2:45:45, PS 2:48:06, D hops to nest 3:24:04, hops to RB 3:24:42; B10 lays
back down 3:44:02. Cam reset 4:15am. Raining at 5:35am. MORN: B10 stands up
& stretches 6:35:04; PS 6:35:18 & wing flaps; more leisurely wing flaps
6:35:30, then heads over to fuss at D on RB 6:35:50; sounds like D flies off
6:43:15; IR light off 6:57:01; a flap & a hop 7:51:10 & 7:51:27;
wingercises 7:51:35; hops & flaps 7:51:56; PS 7:52:32, wing flaps 7:53:24;
after checking pantry B10 stands at back of nest just looking around &
occasionally preening 7:55:00; nibbles on LB 8:51:55 then checks nest for
nestovers; B10 hops across nest & the y-nook 9:22:30; moves a stick 9:23:20
& 9:23:44; back on the y-nook 9:25:17, hops back to nest 9:26:25; PS
10:23:50 then hops into wingercising; more winging 10:24:26, hops to y-nook
& briefly puts a foot on Cam 1 branch 10:24:51; tracks something flying
10:28:48, hops back to nest 10:26:04; M in FD w/fish 10:39:32 & B10 grabs
it by the mouth & starts eating; M decides she wants some too & starts
to eat 10:48:19 as B10 chatters at her; M slowly eats fish while B10 watches,
B10 PS 10:55:46; M swallows the rest of the fish 10:56:20; B10 flaps & hops
to y-nook 10:57:02; M to LB 10:57:23 & out 10:57:29; B10 flaps up to y-nook
then ventures out on the LB 10:57:45; B10 PS's from the LB 11:26:15 & has
to catch her balance; PS 11:37:33; comes down the branch a bit 11:37:39,
watches M fly around 11:40:25, M in BD w/fluff & B10 steps back to nest
11:40:31; B10 nibbles on M's talons 11:42:43 & 11:43:03; M to LB 11:48:32
& out 11:48:37; B10 still laying down resting as Cam 1 reset 12:49pm; B10
PS 1:25:26; B10 foots the fluff 1:26:47; B10 on sticks at y-nook 1:32:06, tries
to do a split 1:32:36, flaps & walks up LB 1:33:54 where s/he looks around
& flaps & preens; clumsily steps back to nest (oops, side of nest!)
1:36:58; hops across nest 2:26:42, up y-nook 2:26:4, goes to LB 2:27:01, flaps
& moves further up branch 2:27:27; steps back to nest 2:30:05; putters
around until laying down 2:50:13; B10 stands up 4:30:25; PS 4:31:01; hops &
flaps 4:32:15; branches 4:32:58, moves higher 4:33:06, great dismount (back to
the nest) 4:33:26 then jumps & foots & flaps & hops on the nest
& sticks; transfers a pinecone from beak to talon 4:38:06; Cam 1 reset
5:53pm; B10 lays around, mostly napping until she spies something flying by
& hops to her feet 6:34:58; PS 6:36:49; flaps wing & tracks something
6:40:50; flaps & hops 6:41:37; to y-nook 6:41:46, leaps back down 6:42:17;
tracks something 7:01:34; holds up wings & stands on one foot 7:03:29; hops
7:04:55 & 7:05:15 (still watching something); hops across nest to y-nook
7:06:34 then flaps & walks up LB 7:06:37; flaps & goes higher 7:06:56,
leaps back to nest 7:07:07; hops again 7:08:23; foots some nesting material
7:08:34 & picks up a pinecone 7:08:43 that gets stuck on her beak (lol);
walks up a stick 7:10:14 to top of y-nook, back on the LB 7:10:38; leaps back
to nest 7:17:42; hops 7:18:18; PS 7:19:21; back on y-nook 7:20:22, flaps &
steps to LB 7:20:54, does a flapping turn around on the branch (a first!)
7:20:58; eagle lands in tree on the right top side of cam 1 view 7:21:13, B10
sees it and steps to nest 7:21:27 to get a better look; eagle leaves back perch
& flies behind nest tree 7:23:22; B10 flaps & leaps across nest onto
Y-nook 7:23:49, then jumps backwards to nest 7:24:02 B10 lays down 7:25:16;
repositions to face back of nest 8:00:05; B10 stands up 8:24:54, wingercises
8:24:14, hops across nest 8:25:40; lays down 8:26:50; IR light on 8:40:18.