Friday - May 25, 2018

(101 days old) IR light off 6:20:14am. B10 in to 11:00-branch 6:30:04, to nest 6:30:32; digs up fluff & finds nestover 6:31:22, but doesn't like it so she goes to the pantry 6:32:10& pecks around there; tears up some fluff 6:34:24; hops to LB 6:35:45; calls for breakfast 6:36:11; calls out again, hops to Cam1 branch 6:36:32; hops to nest 6:36:47; attacks more fluff 6:37:29; plays with some sticks 6:41:16; lays down 6:48:59; gets up 7:19:02 and picks at fluff; boot-scoots 7:20:54 then goes back to looking for scraps; grabs a stick & plays with it 7:30:56 by grabbing, flapping & hopping with it (it's a perfect little "log" toy); lays down 7:48:21; B10 gets up 8:54:22, looks around, rouses then heads to BD 9:01:25; flies to 11:00-branch 9:02:18; back to nest 9:03:20 for more stick play; B10 flies out BSD 9:07:29; D in BSD w/squirrel 9:51:20; squeeing B10 flies in to claim squirrel 9:51:29; D hops out of the way 9:51:xx; B10 starts eating 9:52:45 as D catches his breath; D flies to 11:00-branch 9:53:23; B10 tracks M flying around 10:02:53, starts squeeing 10:03:00; M in to LB 10:03:21 as B10 yells at her; D flies of the 11:00-branch 10:08:06, B10 tracks D flying around 10:09:47; B10 works on either swallowing or bringing up a pellet 10:10:47 then continues eating; M preens on LB 10:17:28; B10 yells as D lands on LB (just beyond M) 10:24:16; M slowly walks down LB 10:45:32; M hops to nest 10:46:26 & B10 rushes her, M flaps but stays on nest; M moves closer & eyes the squirrel 10:46:44, leans in closer & B10 nips at her 10:46:58 (D still watching from high up on the LB); B10 moves the squirrel further away from M 10:58:52; M makes as if to move closer 10:59:17 & B10 rushes across the nest to push her 10:59:19; D hops to nest 10:59:29 and B10 rushes over to him yelling 10:59:32; M backs up onto RB 10:59:34; B10 bites at D 10:59:50 & D climbs up the 9:00-branch 10:59:52, D flies to 11:00-branch 10:59:57; B10 starts gulping down the squirrel 11:00:12 as M watches; M to nest 11:00:35 as B10 continues gulping; B10 finally gets squirrel down; M picks nibbles crumbs 11:01:03 & B10 rushes her 11:01:12, M sidesteps & gets away; B10 tracks something flying over 11:01:30 (looked like a crow or hawk on A/C); M eats some scraps 11:02:13 & B10 asks to be fed; both track something flying by nest 11:02:57; M finds more crumbs 11:04:03 & B10 rushes over to be fed; D turns on the back branch 11:06:24 & B10 yells at him; D moves further out on back branch 11:07:57; D flies off 11:08:58; B10 runs to the right rail to feak 11:09:19; B10 to BD 11:10:15; flies to 11:00-branch 11:10:37; B10 flies off 11:13:37; M stays on the nest for a long while, just looking around, preening, chilling; M flies out BSD 1:51:58; M in FD w/fish 4:52:45, squees heard in background as M starts eating fish head; M finishes the head & steps away from the fish 4:57:11; loud squees as B10 flies by in front of the nest (seen on A/C) 4:57:12; B10 flies behind nests 5:01:55; more nearby loud squees 5:02:33, M rouses 5:02:41; nearby squees continue 5:03:25; M moves fish 5:04:37 & B10 squees frantically; B10 flies behind at rocket speed 5:05:23; B10 lands on a LB 5:05:37 & hops to nest, runs under M to claim the fish; M tilts head & watches B10 eat 5:06:16; M moves over to try to help B10 eat 5:07:25; B10 gulps down a bite as M checks what's left 5:11:16; B10 grabs M's talon 5:11:46; B10 "steals' the rest of the fish 5:12:08; B10 gulps down the rest of the fish 5:14:41 then runs at M chittering 5:15:04; feaks on Cam 2 branch 5:16:57; M finds a crumb & B10 rushes over and chitters loudly 5:17:17; M to LB 5:17:51 & out 5:17:55; B10 flies out BSD 5:19:14