days old) Ap Cam out of focus this morning. B10 to nest from 11 o'clock branch
6:16:39am, wingersizing; to LB 6:18:26, to nest 6:20:50, pecks around a bit,
beaks some nestovers 6:21:56, head scratch 6:22:18; IR light off 6:22:38; B10
to LB 6:25:40 (w/a slight slip), hops up the LB & turns around 6:25:45 (out
of Cam 1 view), hops to nest 6:26:25, to 11 o'clock branch 6:26:37; back to
nest 6:31:13, to LB 6:31:23, rouses 6:32:06, to left rail 6:33:01, steps up to
RB 6:33:19, to nest 6:33:44; PS 6:34:29, picks up a stick 6:34:33, drops it
then steps on it 6:34:37, gnaws on it; nibbles in pantry 6:35:46; to cam pole
6:36:43, to nest 6:39:40, to 11 o'clock branch 6:40:36. At 9:27am, Bel
reported: "FYI: B10 is being shy.
Has flown to a few trees behind nest, staying mostly hidden, lol. Currently in
tree near Welcome Center (mostly hidden)." As of 10:00:00, B10 has not
returned to the nest. D in BD w/headless fish 10:25:02; D watches as B10 flys
around and lands on tree behind cam2 branch 10:42:01; Moves a bit on branch
10:44:06. Per Bel: "At noon, as Nick and I are leaving, B10 is still on a
lower branch on the right side of the nest tree. Dad is still on the
nest." B10 flies off back branch 10:46:58; D is getting bored waiting so
he aerates the nest 11:05:26; D starts nibbling on fish 11:23:09; D walks to
front of nest 12:02:21; looks around for a bit and goes back to fish 12:05:55;
B10 flies to branch below back side of nest 12:10:03; flies to 11 o'clock
branch squeeing at D 12:10:36; hops into nest pushing D out of the way and he
ends up on the LB 12:10:42; B10 mantles as s/he moves to the back of the nest
12:10:46; B10 grabs the fish and begins eating 12:11:11; D turns around on LB
12:11:41; D out 12:11:51; B10 takes fish tail to rt rail 12:32:46; then walks
around nest with it 12:33:05; stopping at rt rail to chew on it some more
12:33:10; takes it to the pantry 12:35:05; then back to rt rail (can't make up
mind) 12:35:15; P flies behind nest 12:35:47; B10 carries the tail again around
the nest then back to rt rail 12:36:46; almost drops it over the side 12:39:40;
swallows it 12:41:06; beak feaks on RB 12:41:41 and 12:42:52; goes to pantry to
look for scraps 12:43:50; to rt rail 12:44:49; walks to BD 12:46:52; goes
tostand at rt rail 12:48:15; goes to stand under cam2 branch 1:01:27; sneezes
1:13:10; walks to Y nook 1:14:39; hops back to nest 1:15:20; laying down
1:52:05; walks onto Y 2:04:53; to nest and pantry 2:05:21; hops to 11 o'clock
branch 2:09:01; to nest 2:10:18; lays down 2:11:15; up 2:13:54; runs to rt rail
2:17:59; rouses 2:27:33; hops to Y nook 3:00:15; hops up next to cam 3:07:06;
to nest 3:08:13; flies onto left side branch 3:08:28; back to nest 3:09:00; back
up to left side branch 3:16:26; back to nest 3:34:00; lays down at front
3:34:49; up to Y nook 3:36:01; to rt rail 3:36:28; Hops onto branch connected
to the cam2 branch 3:44:40; to nest 3:44:53; up onto 11 o'clock branch 3:46:19;
to nest 4:09:14; hops to branch to the rt of cam2 branch 4:11:56; climbs higher
4:12:28; to nest 4:12:58; onto 11 o'clock branch 4:14:36; to nest 5:30:48; B10
out BSD 5:31:23; D in to LB 8:02:35; to nest 8:03:21; digs around in pantry for
scraps 8:03:53; satisfied nothing is left, D hops to LB 8:08:22; D out 8:08:37;
IR comes on 8:58:47pm.