VideoClip: No De-Furring Here!

(107 days old) IR
light off 6:15:38am; B10 in to LB 7:29:55, to nest 7:30:28; to LB 7:33:05, to
Cam 1 branch 7:33:15, moves in front of Cam1 7:34:44; hops up to work/chew on
Cam1 7:35:01 & give close-ups of her feathers; hops to LB 7:37:33; to nest
7:38:07 & plays with a pinecone; to LB 7:40:07; tracks something flying by
7:40:24; to nest 7:41:21; to LB 7:41:27; flies out 7:42:01; B10 flies behind
nest (left to right) 10:23:14 & (right to left) 10:24:27; B10 in BSD
11:18:04; boot scoots 11:22:48 & 11:23:34; lays down 11:24:19; B10 calls
out 11:31:36; grabs a twig & stands up 11:50:51; hops up on branch to work
on Cam 1 again 11:56:52, back to nest 11:57:26; lays back down 11:59:58; gets
up 12:48:52; plays with pinecone 12:49:17; hops to Cam1 branch 12:52:08, back
to nest 12:52:16; back to Cam1 branch 12:52:56; to RB 12:53:31; flies off
12:56:48; B10 fly by (seen on A/C) 3:24 then 3 seconds later, lands on outer LB
3:24:12, calls out 3:24:26, hops to nest 3:24:31; goes to Cam 1 branch 3:32:10;
back to nest 3:32:39; lays down 3:55:32; gets up to pick at fluff 4:11:59, lays
back down 4:12:16; stands up 4:19:55 & appears to track something; to
Y-nook 4:21:16; to nest 4:22:24, lays down 4:22:29; stands up 4:23:30, to
Y-nook 4:23:40 to look around; to nest 4:25:20, lays down 4:25:26; stands up
4:27:31; lays down 4:28:34; stands up 5:30:34; lays down 5:32:57; bites a stick
5:55:45 then plays with pinecone before preening shoulder; picks up the
pinecone 5:57:20 but drops it 5:57:42, gets up to retrieve it 5:57:48 &
plays some more; moves on to lots of cute stick play 6:00:53 (until 6:06:19);
lays back down 6:12:11; gets up 6:31:41; plays w/log toy 6:34:01; calls out
6:41:26; flies out BSD 6:42:30; B10 lands on
11:00-branch 7:36:56, squees 7:38:03 then flies off 7:38:04; squeeing heard
approaching nest 7:38:14, D in BSD w/squirrel 7:38:22, B10 right behind D &
lands on squirrel 7:38:24 as D gets out of the way; B10 rushes D 7:38:33 &
D jumps to RB 7:38:35 as B10 turns up the volume to yell at him; B10 starts to
eat 7:40:45 but stops to yell at D 7:40:53; B10 starts eating (male) squirrel
7:41:55; D flies off 7:42:33 & B10 quietens down enough to eat; B10 starts
gulping down the pelt 8:47:50, finally gets the tail down 8:49:00; B10 to
11:00-branch 8:50:04; D in to LB 8:50:39, D hops to nest to check for nestovers
8:50:53 as B10 squees in protest; B10 launches herself at D 8:51:49 & D
scrambles out of the way 8:51:53, D goes to 11:00-branch 8:52:12; B10 flies out
BSD 8:53:11, D hops back to nest 8:53:36 & eats some nestovers; D to LB
8:57:49 & out 8:58:01; IR light on 9:08:21pm.