days old) Cams back online 9:22am. B10 flies behind nest 9:42:40 (right to
left); Cam 1 reset 12:53pm; M in BD 6:19:26, B10 flies by in background 6:19:33
& comes in BD 6:19:42; B 10 forces M to right rail then to RB 6:20:42 &
out(?); B10 sits and whines for food & finally gets her way when D comes in
the FD w/rabbit 6:59:32… D in to LB
8:34:30, to nest 8:34:39 for nestovers; D
looks up as B10 is heard squeeing nearby 8:40:56, B10 flies by behind nest
8:41:13; D to LB 8:46:53 & out
8:47:20; M in FD w/fish 8:58:54pm.