(59 days old) Per
TNT/Jani - Cam 2: B10 does a little preening before getting up for her yoga
stretch 6:28:50am & PS & wing flaps 6:29:18; IR light off 6:55:45; B10
nods off w/head tucked while preening 7:25:07; B10 gets up 7:56:31, spreads
wings & then does some wing flaps 7:56:46, hops across nest 7:57:13; plays
w/fluff 8:30:53; Cam 1 reset 8:41:57. Cam 1: B10 sits up tall & watches D
approach the nest 9:03:43; D in BSD w/coot 9:03:49 & B10 spreads her wings
wide as she grabs the coot & starts to eat; D hops to LB 9:04:32, feaks
& out 9:05:09; B10 continues to self-feed; PS 9:29:32; hops to middle of
nest 9:29:43 then walks to right rail to look around; nibblers on coot 9:31:39;
perches on right rail again 9:35:48; lays down 9:39:44; nibbles on coot foot
10:23:40; right wing stretch 10:25:50, get up & yoga stretches 10:25:59; PS
10:26:50; B10 resting near right rail 11:58:21; B10 gets up to preen for a bit
12:17:11; picks up a coot foot 12:20:14; stretches then ps 12:20:45; B10
attacks nestover 12:21:02; picks up coot foot again and nibbles on it 12:21:57;
takes it to the right front rail to eat 12:29:03; takes it to the pantry
12:33:32; wingersizes 12:34:01, 12:36:05 w/talon holding stick; wingersizes
going across nest 12:36:56; walks onto right rail edge peering down 12:38:39;
preens 12:50:01; M in BSD w/fish 12:56:56; B10 comes off RR to get fed
12:57:09; M swallows tail 1:03:16; M to LB 1:04:35; M out 1:04:41; B10 lays
down 1:05:21; gets up to preen 1:19:51; moves to right side of nest 1:20:16;
preens for a while then lays down 1:29:16; B10 gets up to move closer to the
edge 1:44:01; lays down over the rail 1:44:29; Gets up as s/he sees M; M in BSD
1:56:51 as B10 complains that she didn't bring food; M goes to grab what B10 is
standing on but decides to aerate instead 1:57:48; B10 stretches wings then
does a ps 1:58:03; Walks up to M complaining 2:00:17; flaps wings 2:01:19 and
at 2:02:24; then lays down 2:03:21; B10 gets up to wingersize 2:04:41 &
2:05:45; walks onto right rail 2:06:28; M finds a coot foot and takes it to the
pantry to nibble on 2:18:48; M swallows foot 2:19:53; M scratches an itch while
B10 continues to sit on rail and preen 2:42:22; M really watching something
2:46:06; M to LB 2:52:02; M out 2:52:06; B10 stretches and spreads wings on RT
rail 2:54:44; Wingersizes across nest 2:57:52 & 2:58:09; hops across nest
2:58:43; walks with wings spread 2:59:41; attacks a nestover then carries to
rail 3:00:38; walks onto new favorite spot 3:01:45; D in BSD w/minnow 3:09:35;
B10 rushes him with wings out and grabs it and takes to right side 3:09:36; B10
starts eatting it as D checks out the pantry 3:10:39; D to LB 3:11:51; D out
3:12:00; B10 finished with the fish, heads to fav spot 3:21:23; B10 watching
something in the sky 3:51:02 (might have been Mom flying around); M in BSD
3:52:20 as B10 squees & dives at her; PS 3:53:04; B10 lays under M 4:04:04
& nibbles on her chest feathers; B10 stands on right rail 4:04:30, steps
down 4:36:00, lays down w/head hanging over edge 4:36:24; B10 still peering
over the edge 5:24:40; M to LB 6:21:31 & out 6:21:37, leaving B10 still
looking out over the RT front rail; D in BSD w/fish 6:24:58 & B10 grabs
poor D's talons; D feeds B10 6:25:18; PS 6:36:27; B10 grabs a big chunk &
self-feeds 6:36:41; M in BSD w/fish 6:42:48; D picks up a stick and moves it to
front rail 6:43:07; D walks onto rt Y then out 6:44:10; M feeds B10 6:45:00; M
swallows fish tail 6:50:09; M out BSD 6:52:44; B10 comes off of rail 7:20:25;
drags pinecone across nest 7:21:45; hops around nest for a bit then wingersizes
7:27:07; back to rt rail 7:30:06; Lays down in nest 8:16:37; IR comes on