(58 days old): Per
Bel - EARLY MORN: B10 stands up 101:08am, stretches 1:01:14, PS 1:01:37, preens
then lays back down 1:13:32; more preening 1:25:24, tucks head to sleep
1:26:33; Rocky appears on back left side of nest 2:01:16 - 2:01:50, B10 wakes
up & briefly stretches out right wing 2:02:45; Rocky's back on the
9:00-branch 2:41:31 but this time B10 wakes up & looks in that direction
2:41:55; another wing stretch 3:06:21; Rocky on left side again 3:33:18, B10
wakes up 3:35:34, Rocky to nest to nibble on nestovers 3:36:53 as B10 looks
that way, B10 attempts to wingslap Rocky 3:38:54; B10 stands up 3:39:13,
another wingslap 3:39:24 then PS 3:39:49; B10 lays back down, airplane style
4:41:15. MORN: IR light off 6:56:00; B10 stands up 7:05:22 & stretches, PS
7:05:41 then wing flaps; wingercises 7:05:53; B10 picks up a coot wing 7:10:00
& takes it to the front right rail; wingercises 7:18:17 & 7:20:50; B10
sits up 8:05:37, D in BSD w/headless fish 8:05:44, B10 immediately rushes D &
grabs the fish, squeeing the whole time; B10 starts eating 8:06:08; D hops to
LB 8:07:11 & flies out 8:07:45 and B10 quietens down to watch for a while;
B10 gets back to eating the fish 8:14:43; PS 8:32:04; nuthatch visits to steal
some nesting material 9:02:48; M in to LB 9:08:43, M walks down branch 9:16:05,
hops to nest 9:16:38; M moves fish to pantry 9:17:05 & B10 scolds her; B10
working up to a hissy fit as M offers a bite 9:17:33; B10 PS 9:18:42 then runs
over to M who feeds B10; M gives B10 the fish tail 9:22:20 & B10 gobbles it
down; B10 lays down 9:25:28; M to LB 9:26:24 & out 9:26:32; great
wingercises 10:38:33; wingercises 11:39:55 then stops to track something flying
over; M lands on LB 11:42:19 & B10 starts fussing; M to nest 11:52:07; B10
naps w/head hanging over front rails, finally gets up, PS 12:30:19 then
wingercises & runs across nest; B10 almost throws a hissy fit 12:33:19,
gets one foot up on LB 12:33:36 (almost branched!); more wingercising & a foot
on LB 12:36:30; B10 lays down to rest from the exertion 12:37:32; M to LB
1:28:28 & out 1:28:34; B10 PS 2:10:02, then hops across nest, then plays
with a stick; B10 puts a foot back up on the LB 2:22:31, spreads wings to enjoy
the wind (one foot still on LB) 2:39:13; B10 takes foot off LB 2:51:37 &
heads back to center of nest to lay down; M in BSD w/big fish 3:14:00; M feeds
B10 3:15:10; D in BDS w/headless fish 3:36:16; D out BD 3:38:36; B10 PS
3:46:46; B10 moves D's fish 3:47:42, M moves it back 3:47:54 & starts
feeding B10; M gives B10 the fish tail 3:53:10 and then turns to eat on the
fish head; M finds the fish tail 4:00:16, back & forth with it, then M
swallows it 4:00:30 w/B10 chittering in her ear; B10 PS 4:02:10 then runs across
nest & up the sticks piled at the base of the Y-nook 4:02:05; B10 jumps
down to nest clumsily 4:03:23; B10 holds wings out 5:23:40, goes to the Y-nook
5:23:06 & stands on the sticks there, climbs higher 5:24:24, almost goes
out on the branch 5:24:40 but changes mind, B10 back to nest 5:25:07; M to LB
6:31:47 & out 6:32:00; B10 stands on the front right rail for a long time,
finally turns to PS 7:26:26; M in BSD 7:29:00 as B10 squees & chitters at
her; D in BD w/headless fish 8:09:40 which B10 rushes to claim; D out BD
8:10:26 as M stares at B10 & the fish; M continues to stare and seems
amazed at B10's feeding skills 8:10:47; M starts aerating nest 8:13:06 while
B10 continues to eat; M moves over to help with the fish 8:17:10 & B10
squeals in protest, M starts digging in nest again 8:17:40; B10 moves the fish
further from M 8:18:30 & continues eating; M takes the fish 8:24:54 while
B10 is backed up to PS, M feeds fish to B10; M moves stick 8:36:49 as B10
chatters at her; M to LB 8:29:18 & turns to face the nest; IR light on
8:33:49; M
turns on LB 11:35:49 & flies off 11:35:57 as B10 watches then lays down