57 days old) Per TNT/Bel - EARLY MORN: M perched on LB 12:01:00am; M to nest
3:00:26; M moves away from B10 4:42:32, aerates, & B10 follows trying to
get back under M to sleep; M perches on right front rail & tucks head
5:07:22; MORN: M still perched w/head tucked 6:33:30; M to LB 6:46:59 & out
6:47:12; IR light off 6:56:03; B10 left wing stretch 7:38:12 & cute tail
wiggle; up w/yoga stretch 7:38:56 & big wing stretch 7:39:01; wingersizing
7:39:13 then stands on right front rail near Y-nook; more wingersizing 7:39:55,
7:40:41 & almost face plants (might have been a PS prior to near face
plant); scratches head 7:41:15; wing flaps 7:41:42; hops to middle of nest
7:41:54; B10 stands on right rail & preens 7:42:43; PS 8:06:43; rouses
8:07:38; big time wingersizing 8:07:43; lays down looking out FD 8:12:33; per
CC onthebayou: 8:25:01,
pretty little bird hops along left Y branch....B looks but does not react; Cam
1 reset 8:44-ish; B10 squees as D flies in FD w/UFO 9:08:55, B10 mini-mantles;
D starts to eat/feed 9:10:34 w/B10 grabbing bites & self-feeding, too; M in
FD w/coot 9:26:22 causing D & B10 to scatter; D out BSD 9:27:11; M catches
her breath before pulling coot to pantry 9:27:42 & defurs/feeds B10; B10
grabs a chunk & takes over to right side of nest to eat 9:35:29; wing flaps
9:51:24; plays w/back rail stick 9:52:29; B10 flaps her way to front rail
10:01:19, wingersizing on the rail 10:01:51; B10 lays down looking over front
rail 10:58:11; wings flaps 11:21:14; PS 11:21:37; B10 eating leftovers
11:23:54; M to LB 12:05:21am & out 12:05:32; M in to LB 1:04:47, to nest
1:35:58 & B10 chatters; PS 1:37:53; M vocal 1:38:02, 1:41:19; M steps up to
RB 1:41:36 & out 1:41:41; M in right FD alerting 1:42:18; PS 2:30:15 then
plays w/nestovers again; B10 nibbles on nestovers 2:54:05; B10 flaps/hops to
front rail 3:06:23; M
vocal 3:06:25, 3:13:05, 3:16:36, 3:20:02, 3:21:42, really yells at 3:27:50, M
to RB 3:33:10 & out 3:33:20, chase seen behind nest tree 3:33:30, shadows
fly over 3:33:2 then M in BD 3:33:55; Per BEP: We had another intruder this
afternoon. A almostly fully mature mai looking eagle. Mom ran it off twice and
dad finally drove it completely out of the area. It was here for over an hr.
Last time she left the nest was the last time she ran it off. And dad finished
it shortly after that. M snaps at flies on the fish 3:46:35; M pulls leftover
fish out 3:58:26 & eats, B10 grabs a bite, then feeding/grabbing bites; B10
steals fish 4:02:50, M takes it back 4:03:03; M gives B10 some kind of bluish
nestover (fish tail?) 5:02:44, which she drops so M takes back & swallows;
M to LB 5:35:57 & out 5:36:13; M in to LB 5:55:02; M moves down RB 6:08:17;
M hops to nest 6:45:34; B10 gets up from her sprawled out position 6:48:32;
wingersizing 7:26:55, then picks up a twig & moves it 7:27:23; M alerts/vocal
7:40:28; M & B10 alert & watching something 7:41:48; M takes nestover
from B10 7:45:59 & swallows it; M to LB 7:47:32 & out 7:47:37; B10
nibbling on nestovers in pantry 8:00:07; IR light on 8:29:56pm; M chats with Dad nearby 10:51:08pm.