Tuesday - April 10, 2018

(B10 56 days old) Per TNT/Bel/Jani - EARLY MORN: B10 stands up 1:42:45, stretches, PS 1:43:10, lays back down 1:44:42; M makes an awkward landing on a LB 2:16:47 & B10 sits up to look, M hops to nest 2:17:30 & B10 squeals at her & semi-wingslaps; M chatters w/Dad 2:18:07; B10 lays at M's feet 2:20:50; B10 nibbles M's toes 2:28:48; M aerates nest 2:30:31; lots of ups & downs for preening, etc. before B10 settles back down at M's feet 2:35:11; Cam 1 reset 3:42am; B10 PS 5:16:29; M chatters 5:21:41; MORN: B10 PS 6:06:13; M to LB 6:57:19 & out 6:57:33; IR light off 7:02:57; left wing stretch 7:57:59 & again 8:06; PS 8:09:06; wingercizing 8:09:16, 8:10:34, 8:11:05; picks up nestover in beak 8:11:11; preening 8:24:25; B10 wingersizes 9:05:29; picks up a piece of something to play with 9:06:53; lays down at front rail 9:42:33; M in to LB 10:38:25; M to nest 10:39:28; B10 tries to snuggle under M 10:40:19 and nibbles on her toes; B110 snuggles closer making M move 10:49:42; M steps onto Y 10:50:44; Hops to LB 10:50:52; M out 10:51:04;B10 stretches and spreads wings 10:52:35; B10 spreads wings 10:53:56; hops across nest to attack a stick 10:54:02; Moves a stick at back rail to center of nest 10:54:25; wingersizes while hopping across nest 10:55:38; lays down 10:56:15; picks up a feather 10:59:38 and drops it as D comes in FD w/UFO 10:59:46; B10 rushes D and he has to hop out of the way onto Y; B10 starts eating 11:00:41; D hops onto LB 11:02:26; B10 carries it to the right side of nest 11:07:44; runs across nest chattering at D 11:20:51; lays down 11:36:32; D hops to nest 11:48:41; B10 gets up to check out what he is doing 11:48:55; B10 nips at D making him shift 11:49:41; B10 tries to swallow pelt 11:50:54; spits it out 11:51:41; ps 11:52:39; B10 nips at D's head as he is aerating 11:54:27; D hops to LB 11:56:48; B10 opens wings and hops around nest 11:59:25; lays down 12:00:18; B10 gets up to nibble 12:16:39; tris to swallow pelt again 12:17:54; spits out 12:18:37; works on it for a bit then tries to swallow again 12:32:44; spits out 12:33:54; nibbles around nest then lays down 12:40:36; D starts chattering 1:01:32 then heads out 1:02:15; M in to LB 1:02:29; to nest 1:02:52; M takes pelt to pantry with a slight protest from B10 1:03:25; M tears it apart feeding B10 some; B10 takes it from M 1:11:13; then tries to swallow it 1:11:29; ps 1:11:38; unsuccessful; B10 walks ove to nibble M's toes 1:12:47; M stumble hops over B10 and grabs pelt 1:13:14; offers it 1:13:25; B10 snatches it 1:13:29; M walks around B10 to get the pelt again 1:15:05; B10 gets it again 1:15:14; M gets it back and takes to the pantry 1:16:18; B10 trys to tug it away 1:17:47; M feeds pieces until B10 tugs it away and tries to swallow 1:21:15; M goes to get it again but B10 takes it 1:22:34; Tries to swallow 1:23:16 but spits out 1:24:11; catches on stick as B10 pulls it across nest 1:24:28; M tired of the game hops to LB 1:25:52; B10 wingersizes 1:30:16; lays down 1:32:11; M stays on LB rousing at 2:04:38; M out 2:05:37. As hard as it may be to believe, sometimes other things are more important than watching our beloved Berry Family and keeping track of Nest Happenings. Such was the case today when we learned that Ed (EAP), chatter and good friend, passed away yesterday. May you rest in peace dear Ed.