Video: Mom & B10's Pelt War
(B10 55 days old)
Per TNT/Bel - EARLY MORN: left wing stretch which extends beyond the nest
4:18:55am; B10's typical morning ritual - crop drop 4:21:32, yoga stretch
4:22:01, right wing stretch 4:22:05, PS 4:22:16, preening 4:22:24, head
scratching 4:22:48, more preening; wingercizing & yoga stretch 4:24:48; B10
lays back down boat fashion 4:25:41 & gives a cute wiggle of the tail; more
preening then back to sleep w/head tucked 4:31:36; Rocky on 9:00-branch
5:11:15, scampers around left side of nest waking B10 up 5:11:52; Rocky
continues to scamper around, but B10 tucks head to sleep 5:15:04 anyway;
preening 5:57:52; MORN: yoga stretch 6:00:48; PS 6:01:02; starts to rain
6:07-ish; crop drop 7:07:19; IR light off 7:11:12; B10 stands 8:02:23, wingercizing
8:01:33; PS 8:02:41, rouses 8:02:59, plays w/nestovers & other nest
materials 8:03:29; B10 runs to right front of nest 8:05:56 to look around and
preen; B10 standing at right front rail looking around 8:13:58; nuthatch
11:00-branch 8:43:42; wing flaps & a little wingercizing 8:44:33; hops to
pantry 8:45:00 to peck & play; B10 pulls on fluff at right-front rail
8:51:18, stands on stick to practice branching 8:51:39; checks pantry again
8:58:22; grabs something w/talon 9:00:07; B10 bites on twig under LB 9:05:28
then on a bigger stick 9:05:42 while leaning over the edge, tugs on another
stick 9:06:04, moves a stick 9:06:34, then checks out some crumbs in the
pantry; B10 leans over the left front side 9:19:25, then heads over to perch on
stick the edge of right rail 9:19:54 while peering over the side; basically
going from right to left & back, peering over the edges to make us nervous;
B10 attacks a feather 9:39:24 & wingercises, backs all the way up to edge
of nest 9:40:38 and almost on Y-nook; hops to center of nest for nice
wingercise session 9:41:00; Cam 1 reset 9:51am; M in FD w/partial squirrel
10:23:53 & B10 grabs it 10:23: 54, M takes it back 10:24:02 & starts
feeding B10 (who keeps trying to get her own bites); M picks up the pelts to
swallow it 10:38:36 but B10 steals it 10:48:43, tug-a-squirrel 10:38:53 &
10:39:07 (M wins); M starts swallowing pelt 10:42:39 but has trouble getting it
down; B10 grabs it & pulls hard 10:43:15, M "unswallows" the pelt
& B10 tries stealing it 10:43:33, M feeds a few bites to B10; B10 steals
the pelt 10:44:39 & moves it across the nest; B10 gives up on eating the
pelt 10:49:30, moves to front left to PS 10:49:48; B10 bites at M's foot
10:50:15, pestering M; B10 lays at M's feet 10:52:16 as M watches something; M
hops to LB 11:00:59 & out 11:01:07; B10 watches something flying around
11:48:01 (something very fast on ApprCam), M lands on LB 11:48:17; B10 PS
11:51:22 and chatters at M; M partially turns 11:54:03 then turns completely to
face out 11:54:18, flies off 11:54:21; M in FD 12:28:18 as B10 squees in
surprise; M claims the pelt & B10 is not happy 12:45:35; B10 gets up
12:45:58 still squeeing at M, PS 12:46:43; M gives pelt to B10 12:49:29 then
takes it back 12:49:46; B10 tries to tug pelt away f/M 12:50:40; M watches
something flying around 12:51:45; B10 takes advantage of M's distraction and
tries to eat the pelt 12:52:24; lots of back & forth with the pelt, M
breaking of pieces; B10 puts foot on pelt to hold it as M tries to break off
another piece 12:53:03; B10 takes pelt 12:53:22 & moves to the back of the
nest; B10 moves to center of nest w/pelt 12:57:57; B10 gives up on the pelt
1:00:10 and stands with M to watch surroundings; B10 practices hopping w/wings
spread 1:03:46; B10 lays down w/head over stick on front-left side of nest
1:04:49; B10 takes pelt & tries to swallow it 2:06:33; M out BSD 2:08:46;
Cam 1 reset 2:35pm; B10 tugs/tries to eat pelt 2:39:43; B10 stands at right FD
w/wings stretched out 2:55:22; B10 tracks M's arrival 3:20:34, M vocal nearby
3:21:00; M in FD 3:21:27; both M & B10 quizzically search the sky 3:21:53;
M picks up pelt & B10 starts screaming 3:32:41; B10 steals the pelt from M's
mouth 3:35:42, 3:37:00 3:37:33; 3:37:55; M steals it again 3:42:33, B10 screams
& runs over to pull it from her mouth, finally swallows it 3:44:00; B10
backs M up onto the Y-nook 3:47:27; B10 crop drop 4:09:29; B10 stretches right
wing over M's back 4:10:27 causing M to move out of the way; B10 PS 4:21:52;
B10 stands on front rail 4:53:59; scratches head 5:15:36; shaking head 5:16:00;
lays down batmobile style 5:16:30; M
sees D & starts chirping 5:37:38, M & B10 both squeee as D flies in BD
w/headless fish 5:37:51 & B10 immediately grabs it & begins to self
feed; D to LB 5:39:06 & out 5:39:17; M to LB 6:00:54 & out 6:01:05; PS
6:31:39; IR light on 8:31:37; M & D chatter in the background 8:35:11pm.