Sunday - April 8, 2018

Stare Down Between Intruder & B10 - Photograph by Max Hester
(B10 54 days old) Per TNT/BEL/JaniBop - EARLY MORN: B10 PS 2:37:43am; B10 rested fairly well during the night, woke up several times to preen; tree was swaying pretty good most of the night; Rocky comes up under left Y-branch & enters nest 5:12:08, B10 is unaware of Rocky until 5:12:47, Rocky continues to scurry around & B10 sits up & partially spreads her wings 5:13:00; Rocky shows himself again & B10 wing flaps 5:13:12, B10 scratches head as she lays back down 5:13:32; B10 sleeping 5:30.00; Cam 1 reset 5:47:40; MORN: left wing stretch 6:02:28; B10 gets up 6:03:33 yoga stretch & PS 6:03:39; big wing spread 6:03:50; IR light off 7:00:40; right leg & wing stretch 7:20:52; PS 7:21:25; B10 finds something to play with 7:25:31; wing flaps 7:26:02, 7:30:35; B10 playing w/nestovers in the pantry 8:16:52; scratches head 8:22:28; PS 8:23:32, hops back to center of nest; B10 goes to right front rail to see if any of her fans are around 8:25:57 then back to lay down 8:43:45; D in FD w/fish 10:14:53, D feeds B10 10:15:13; M lands on LB w/stick 10:20:48, hops to nest 10:21:06; D to Y-nook 10:22:14 as M feeds B10, hops to LB 10:22:25 & flies off 10:22:38; M give B10 the fishtail 10:29:13, B10 takes her prize to the right side to self feed 10:29:18; M tries to help B10 w/fish tail 10:30:10, it goes back & forth until M takes it at 10:30:42 while B10 loudly complains, M feeds B10 a couple of bites 10:31:03 then M swallows the tail 10:30:33; M aerates nest 10:32:50, B10 nibbles at her wing 10:33:01, M backs up onto the Y-nook 10:33:22 then onto the Cam1 branch 10:33:53, goes higher 10:34:11, M hops back to nest 10:34:38 where B10 continues to pester M; B10 continues her tirade of chattering then nibbles M's left foot 10:35:23; B10 rearranges fluff 10:35:36; M to LB 10:36:37 & out 10:36:43; Cam 1 resets 10:48am; B10 wingercises as s/he hops across the nest 12:00:28; B10 stands at the front right rail preening 12:01 - 12:25, then stares at the world, turns around 12:43:17, PS 12:43:47, then lays down near center of nest 12:43:59; B10 moves to lay at front right rail 12:54:09; M lands on LB 2:06:53, preens 2:08:42; B10 stands up 2:11:21 and stretches, PS 2:11:35 then chitters at M; B10 opens wings & chatters at M 2:14:55, hops 2:15:12; wingercises & hops 2:16:15; wingercises all around the nest & hopping & chatting 2:19:00; B10 foots (attacks) some fluff 2:28:29 then plays with a small stick while M watches from LB; M cranes her neck watching something 2:37:51, M vocal 2:38:29; M turns around on branch 2:38:48 & flies off 2:38:51; D lands on LB 2:38:56; B10 lays down 2:43:12; D rouses 3:00:41; D out 3:12:16; B10 tracking something 3:25:12; per AC, Juvie lands in outer upper branch 3:25:45-ish then moves lower toward nest 3:27:36-ish; B10 stands up and fluffs up as s/he watches intruder 3:25:40; Then starts chirping 3:25:51; B10 lays down 3:36:46; gets up to do a ps 3:47:49; Moves to center of nest with feathers ruffled 3:47:53; Rushes across nest 3:49:39; rushes across nest again to attack a stick 3:50:23; B10 preens 3:54:27; B10 watches, then intruder starts squalking as mom approaches to chase it off 4:01:37; Intruder and mom seen as they go behind nest 4:01:40; M in to LB still alerting 4:02:02; hops to nest 4:03:26 still on alert; (from BEP on ground... Intruder went to a nearby tree); M out BD to give chase again 4:18:08; Flyby behind nest 4:18:13; M in BD 4:18:40; B10 lends vocal support as M is still alerting 4:18:44; M vocal, B10 lays down 4:25:46; M still vocally alerting 4:30pm & B10 still laying down; Cam 1 reset 4:48; M still alerting at 5:00pm; M throws back head & loudly alerts 5:01:11; B10 still laying down, stretches out left wing 5:19:27; Intruder seen flying on upper left side (cam 1) 5:31:32 & M vocalizes loudly & turns to watch front of nest; M yells very aggressively 5:33:19 and intruder flies behind nest 5:33:30 and lands on tree in the background (behind Cam 2 branch) 5:33:33; M watches something in front of & over nest tree 5:34:11; Intruder flies off from back tree 5:34:37 & M yells some more; M leans forward to watch intruder fly in front of nest tree 5:42:03; M vocal 5:54:03 as D flies in FD w/headless fish 5:54:07, B10 attacks M's left talon 5:54:09; M vocally alerting 5:54:09 & D cranes to look, D hops to LB 5:54:39 with M yelling in his ear & B10 squeeing; D vocal 5:55:14, both P's alerting, but M really having a fit; D flies out 5:59:18 to give chase (?); B10 stands up 6:01:32, PS 6:02:05; B10 nibbles on M's talon 6:02:15 then scratches head; B10 squees to M that s/he wants fish 6:05:15 but M is still scanning the skies; B10 starts nibbling on fish 6:05:51; B10 pulls fish over & stands on it to self feed 6:06:52; B10 still eating, M alerts 6:12:23; D lands on LB 6:13:08 but M is still vocalizing & watching something; D hops over B10 to the nest 6:14:16; M still watching something flying around, she hops up to Y-nook 6:15:42 then jumps to LB 6:16:03; M turns around 6:16:11 & flies out 6:16:13; B10 goes back to self feeding 6:16:51; B10 tells D to stay away from the fish (lol) 6:23:09; B10 pulls fish further away from D 6:24:39 and continues eating; D takes the fish 6:27:28 & B10 squees displeasure until D starts feeding her 6:27:44; B10 steals back the fish 6:33:27 & eats; B10 moves the fish tail to right side of nest 6:38:50; squeeing M in to LB 6:39:10; M walks down to nest 6:39:29 & heads over to fish tail 6:39:38, B10 steals it from her 6:39:41 but M takes it back 6:39:54 & swallows it 6:39:56; D hops to LB 6:39:58 & out 6:40:07 as B10 looks amazed by this turn of events; B10 wingercises 6:42:13, PS 6:42:52, then more wing flaps & hops; M flies out BSD 6:43:39; B10 heads over to hang out on right front rail 6:46:40, lays down there 6:56:18; M lands on LB 8:23:13 and is greeted by a chittering B10, D lands on outer left branch 8:23:38 & chatters to M; M hops to nest 8:24:52 & B10 chitters and gets near her; D takes off & is seen as he flies behind nest 8:25:26; B10 tries to get under M 8:25:39, M moves to BD 8:26:11 & flies out 8:26:30; IR light on 8:29:15.