Saturday - April 7, 2018

(B10 53 days old) Per Bel/TNT - EARLY MORN: B10 PS 2:38:08 then rouses to shake off the rain; after some preening, lays back down 2:54:40; B10 wakes up 4:04:14, Rocky appears on the LB 4:04:36 & shows his glowing eyes on left side of nest 4:17:19, runs up 9:00-branch 4:17:43 & leaps off into the darkness 4:17:48; Rocky is back on the nest, near the LB 4:50:22, B10 stands up 4:50:50; B10 PS toward the front of the nest where Rocky was last seen 4:51:12; B10 lays down 4:54:20 as rain is softly falling; gets back up chittering 4:55:05, settles back down 4:55:27. MORN: inchworm works its way down the LB 6:03:30; P's heard chattering in background 6:05:43-6:06:10; IR light off 7:14:55; B10 PS 7:34:02, wingercises 7:34:14; M in FD w/coot head in beak 7:53:44, B10 snatches the coot head 7:53:47, M to LB 7:56:31 & out 7:56:40 as B10 continues to eat; B10 picks up coot head & starts to gulp it down 8:05:29, gets it down 8:05:45; after checking the empty pantry, B10 picks up a small stick 8:08:38, then adjusts the back rail 8:09:38, before moving on to work on fluff on the front right of nest 8:11:14; D in to LB w/tidbit in beak 8:11:45, hops to nest 8:11:49 and B10 grabs the UFO (a bird head?) 8:11:51, B10 gobbles it down 8:11:55 then ducks head to chitter at D for more food 8:12:11; D hops to LB 8:13:06 & out 8:13:21; B10 PS 8:29:11; after lots of peening, B10 lays down 8:55:05; B10 gets up for more preening 9:30:53; national anthem played for sporting event at the stadium 9:40:43; M in FD w/headless coot 9:43:05 & B10 grabs it; M takes it back & starts feeding B10 9:43:18; B10 scolds M for eating a big piece 9:48:09; M to LB 9:56:40 & out 9:56:51; B10 PS 10:30:29; B10 rouses 10:40:35; B10 bites a pinecone 10:41:05, then tracks something flying nearby 10:41:34, looks overhead 10:43:18; B10 nibbles on coot foot 10:44:29, starts nibbling on nestover coot 10:44:07 but is more interested in the surroundings; more nibbling on coot 10:46:26; B10 lays down 10:58:36; moves to front of nest 11:07:44 to lay down; B10 flaps wings 11:48:05, PS 11:48:21; wingercises on front rail 11:49:09, wingercises on the front rail again 11:49:40, then heads to the back of the nest 11:50:30; D in FD w/wings (coot?) 12:29:57 and B10 starts a chitter storm, D feeds B10 a few bites 12:30:50, B10 steps away from the table 12:31:55; M in FD w/fluff 12:35:46, M squees at D because he's eating; D feeds M a few bites 12:36:09, B10 nibbles on M's wing 12:36:33 then her tail feathers 12:36:37; M claims a wing 12:37:00, D moves to front of nest 12:37:18 and gets an earful from B10; D aerates fluff 12:37:45; M nibbles on nestover coot 12:38:40; D moves a stick 12:38:50 to the back rail; D starts to back over B10 12:39:21 but B10 yells at him; D out BD 12:40:09; M feeds B10 12:41:30; B10 nibbles on a coot foot 12:50:09, M takes it away 12:50:16 and starts eating; B10 nibbles on M's foot 12:50:37 & 12:50:58 then M's tail feathers 12:51:16; M tries to eat coot leg/foot 12:54:47 as B10 watches; M feeds B10 a few bites 12:55:34; B10 moves to the front of the nest 12:56:11; moves fluff 12:56:44 & aerates, B10 helps 12:57:03; B10 flaps wings 12:59:01; B10 chitters & tries to take fluff from M's beak 12:59:17; B10 starts giving M a talonicure 1:00:09, nibbles at her feet & feathers until 1:02:16; B10 resumes nibbling on M 1:03:53 until M flies out BSD 1:05:24; B10 lays down 1:13:33; D in to LB 2:09:12, hops to nest/pantry 2:09:29 & eats; B10 PS 2:13:26; B10 takes a piece of nestover from the nest floor & eats it 2:13:50; D doesn't want to share his snack, so B10 nibbles at what he can get 2:14:59; D out BSD 2:37:45; B10 rests after D leaves & is still resting at 4:34:00; B10 PS 4:55:54; D lands on LB 5:15:37pm, M in BSD w/fluff 5:24:14; D flies off 5:25:23; M feeds B10 5:26:17; B10 PS 5:30:06; M out BSD 5:30:56; B10 nibbles on nestovers in the pantry 5:34:20; half-hearted attempt at a PS 5:38:14; plays w/fluff 5:38:23, then B10 lays looking out the BD until M comes in via FD w/squirrel 6:56:52, she starts in on it w/B10 trying to grab a bite; B10 PS 6:58:00; another PS 7:12:13 then back to eating; and another PS 7:16:46 then B10 watches M defur & takes a break; B10 eating again 7:20:56; right wing stretch 7:30:32; another B10 PS 7:30:44; M swallows pelt 7:30:54; B10 chatters & moves in to bite M's talons 7:32:00; M out BD 7:32:26; PS 7:44:07, then lays down; IR light on 8:20:26; B10 still resting 8:31:00pm; fireworks heard on Cam 1, sky lights up behind nest tree in frequent flashes on Appr Cam (most likely fireworks at the Rome Brave Stadium 8:38:00pm.