VideoClip: Mom Gulps Pelt
(B10 52 days old)
Per TNT/BEL/Jani - EARLY MORN: Rocky shows up & B10 gives him a wing slap
at 1:14:38am, then B10 stands guard for a couple minutes; sleeping &
occasionally awakening to preen at least until 3:00am; Rocky appears again on
front left side of nest 5:01:28, B10 raises wings 5:02:24 & again 5:03:19,
lays back down 5:05:10; B10 wakes to start casting pellet 5:10:35, cast at
5:10:50. MORN: IR light off 7:07:00; left leg & wing stretch 8:03:29; B10
up for a yoga stretch & wing flaps (w/something stuck in her beak) 8:05:51;
wingercizing 8:06:56; preening 8:07:50; M in FD w/stick 8:29:38, B10 rushes her
& bites her foot, voicing displeasure over no food delivery; M out BSD
8:31:05; B10 flaps wings 8:31:16 then stretches, flaps wings & hops
8:31:35; B10 attacks a stick 8:32:10, flaps wings; more wingercises 8:32:39;
B10 plays in pantry 8:36:36; M in BD w/stick 8:50:26; B10 rushes her grabbing
her right leg then her left talon 8:50:28; B10 grabs her left talon again 8:51:17;
and again at 8:51:30 giving it a few tugs; nips at M's wing 8:51:46; M to LB
8:51:58; M out 8:52:07; B10 turns head & stares into camera 9:57:41, seems
to be tracking something 9:58:00; B10 laying looking out right side 10:21:43;
nuthatch 10:37:13; Cam 1 reset 11:06; B10 tracks something 11:13:19, wing flaps
11:13:34, great wingercising 11:14:07; D in BD w/squirrel 11:18:07 & B10
grabs it; B10 tries to self-feed 11:18:35 but it's not unzipped; D grabs &
pulls the squirrel while B10 is standing on it (took her for a ride!) 11:20:05,
then D feeds B10; B10 scarfs down a leg 11:36:22; BCE tests they emergency
broadcast system 11:54:54; B10 PS 12:02:11, then goes to back of nest to pull
on a stick 12:02:29; B10 squats down to play with a stick 12:03:56; B10 chirps
her irritation to D eating 12:04:54 then stares at the camera 12:05:19; D to LB
12:14:20 to feak his beak and then look around; D flies out 12:23:44; M in FD
w/squirrel 2:35:50, B10 nips at M's tail feathers 2:40:33, M swallows pelt
2:41:41; D flies behind nest 2:51:16, M squeees as D flies in FD in w/squirrel
#3 2:51:27; D hops to LB backwards 2:53:01; and shakes his head repeatedly; D
out 2:55:11; M grabs the partial squirrel D brought in 3:00:39; Feeds B10 a big
piece 3:00:57; B10 nibbles on M's squirrel and tugs 3:02:33; B10 yoga stretch
3:08:24, then a nice left wing stretch just like M 3:08:30; wingercises
3:32:13; M pulls squirrel over to pantry 3:32:30, feeding 3:33:00; B10 lays
down at front rail while M finishes eating 3:51:34; B10 yoga stretch then PS
4:20:25; M feeds B10 some more 4:26:37; B10 grabs pelt from M 4:28:26 &
takes it over to right rail, but M follows & takes it back, then swallows
it whole; M & baby just hang out until M heads to the pantry 6:43:08 &
nibbles on nestovers & feeds B10 6:46:34; M swallows another big piece of
nestover 7:03:34; B10 PS 7:04:57; M out BD 7:05:07; B10 sees M flying in from
behind the nest tree 7:13:32; M in FD w/fluff 7:14:25 & B10 squeees; M out
BSD 7:45:19 & B10 goes to sleep; IR light on 8:20:42pm; B10 gets up 9:05:20
for a PS 9:05:33; starts raining 9:25-ish.