Monday - April 16, 2018

(62 days old) Per Bel/TNT - Cam 1 offline, Cam 2 times: B10 gets up & flaps wings 6:56:23; flaps wings again 6:57:17 then leaps across nest & wingercises; lays back down 6:58:27, sneezes 6:58:40; IR light off 7:03:30 as B10 plays with a coot wing; B10 stands up 7:15:30, checks out pantry 7:18:40, wingercises 7:19:40; lays back down 7:22:02; gets back up 7:37:03 to nibbles on nestovers; hops 7:42:04 on coot wing; lays down 7:42:31; Cam 1 back online 8:10-ish; B10 just laying & looking out over right rail 8:11-8:47; Cam 2: gets up 8:47:31 & nibbles on nestovers; big wing stretch 8:52:18 & again 8:52:38, 8:52:51 & then a couple hops back & forth across the nest 8:53:00 ending in the pantry for more nibbles; carries a nestover to other side 8:53:22, flaps a bit & carries it around; Cam 1: D in BD w/big fish 9:02:57, B10 yanks the heck out of D's talon; (cam freezes); D feeds B10 9:04:47; PS 9:08:23 then hops up to put 1 foot on LB & other on Y-nook sticks; B10 squats 9:14:15 then lays down 9:14:31 as D eats; D aerates 9:24:44 & B10 gets up & chitters at D; B10 heads to the pantry & gets the fish 9:26:11 for some self-feeding; D goes back to digging in nest 9:27:03; B10 gets in D's face, chittering 9:26:43; D hops to LB for some peace & quiet but B10 keeps chittering 9:29:18, D flies off 9:29:36; B10 watches D, then spreads wings 9:30:14; B10 eats some fish 9:30:25; feaks beak on Y-nook sticks 9:38:31; nibbles on fish 9:40:40 then heads to front rail 9:40:52; cam freezes at 9:48 and B10 is laying down at 9:52 when feed resumes; M in BD w/stick 10:51:08; B10 PS 10:52:39; D in BD w/pine stick 11:09:06 & B10 rushes him & M breaks at him 11:09:15; D gets busy arranging sticks; M also moves stick after D puts one on her 11:11:36, both P's moving sticks & B10 twittering at them 11:11:38; B10 working up to a hissy fit 11:12:12 & nibbles M's beak; M stealthily gulps down the fish 11:12:46 then gets back to moving arranging sticks w/B10's help 11:13:27; B10 bites pine bough 11:14:18 & foots it 11:14:28; M feaks 11:16:36; M to LB 11:17:17 & out 11:17:22; D moves fish skull 11:19:34; D to LB 11:25:59 & out 11:26:15, D hops back to nest 11:27; D to LB 12:11:13 & out 12:11:25. CAM 2 times: B10 sits up to preen 1:01:09, gets up to stretch 1:01:42 & PS 1:01:55, hops & wingercises 1:02:00, flaps over to the pantry 1:02:41 to nibble on nestovers; B10 lays down 1:16:47; M in BD w/fluff 2:44:52 & B10 attacks it 2:44:55, M spreads fluff 2:45:20; B10 nibbles on M's talon 2:45:45; B10 stretches 2:45:59, PS 2:46:19; B10 nips M talon again 2:46:59; M drops a stick on B102:49:58 then moves it to right rail then to front rail 2:50:30; B10 nips M's shoulder 2:51:30 then goes to rail near pantry; B10 tries to get under M's tail 2:52:48 and nibbles her talon again 2:53:11; B10 plays with a stick 3:00:38 then goes back to nibbling M's foot 3:00:52; B10 stops pestering M & lays down 3:05:47 & plays with sticks, fluff & pine needles; B10 tries to get under M 3:08:18 & foot fetish rears its head again 3:09:50; B10 turns around & plays with fluff 3:10:19; B10 on Y-nook sticks wingercising 3:23:17; B10 nips at M's petticoat 3:23:57; M to LB 3:23:59 & out 3:24:05; B10 lays down 3:24:31; Cam 1 reset 3:42pm, and froze again 3:44:58, Cam 1 back up again 4:13. M in BD w/fish 5:15:59; B10 self feeds, M picks up the fish tail 5:27:07 & feeds some to B10 5:27:17, M swallows tail 5:27:50; hopping & wingercising 5:30-ish; B10 plays with pinecone then starts nibbling M's toes 5:32:09; Cam 2-M pulls the fish skull off her talon 5:32:10; Cam 1-M & B10 track something 5:36:35, M calls out 5:36:54 then flies out BSD 5:37:02; B10 spends the next 20 mins or so laying & looking out the BD; B10 turns around 6:06:51 & lays back down in the middle of the nest 6:07:07; B10 & walks toward right front rail 6:14:01, stops to preen, lays down looking out right FD 6:14:33; D out BD 6:55:06; D does a beautiful fly-in the BD w/stick 7:16:31; D places stick on right rail 7:16:47; B10 nibbles on D's leg feathers 7:18:01 then D's talons 7:18:08; B10 nibbles at D's chest feathers 7:18:42, D climbs up Y-nook to escape 7:18:49 then hops over B10 7:19:02 to the pantry; D out BSD 7:31:45; M also does a beautiful fly-in BD 7:45:09 & immediately eats nestovers; M feeds some nestovers to B10 7:46:56; M out BSD 7:50:30; D in BD w/twig 7:51:07, D rearranges sticks 7:52:08, B10 tries to help 7:52:20, D flips stick over himself 7:52:28 and then onto B10; B10 PS 7:53:48; B10 runs over & tries to grab D's talon 7:53:51 but D sidesteps him; B10 nips at D's wing 7:54:12 then chest feathers 7:54:38; B10 tries to nibble on D's shoulder 7:55:08 then talons; B10 nips at D's head & shoulder D 7:56:21 then gets distracted and preens; B10 bites at D again 7:57:13, D hops to RB 7:57:14 & out 7:57:24; B10 pulls pine stick from front rail 8:01:36 to the nest 8:02:13 and then plays with it; finds the perfect spot in the center of the nest 8:03:20 then plays with it some more, biting & footing it; picks up pine stick & wears it (lol) 8:05:02; B10 sits down & tries to tame pine boughs 8:07:04… Cam 1 reset 10:57pm.