Tuesday - April 17, 2018

(63 days old) Per Bel/TNT/Jani - EARLY MORN: B10 gets up to PS 3:37:22, stretches & preens, lays back down 39:39:32 and waggles tail; back up to preen 3:40:51, lays back down 3:42:18, tucks head to sleep 3:47:37; B10 hops up with wings spread (Rocky?) 3:48:26, looks around, preens 4:00:00, cams blacks out then come back at 4:01:49 showing B10 laying down biting at pine bough; B10 tucks head 4:07:16; Cam 1 reset 4:56:40; ; B10 up for yoga stretch 5:51:04am & PS 5:51:23 then preening; lays down 5:52:04. MORN: back to sleep w/head tucked 6:01:05; up for preening 6:37:02 and head scratch 6:37:28; lays down 6:37:57; IR light off 6:46:52; B10 gets up 7:13:14 to stretch, plays with pine bough 7:13:34, hops on sticks at y-nook 7:13:51, wingercises 7:14:22; gets 1 foot on the LB 7:15:23, steps back to nest 7:15:50; PS 7:16:02 then wingercises across nest; checks out pantry finds a few nestover crumbs 7:17:06; hops to right rail 7:18:42; a few wing flaps & steps on y-nook sticks 7:19:45, back to nest 7:19:59; rouses 7:20:45 then steps back on y-nook; dances back to nest 7:21:13; attacks a stick 7:21:45; the hops to left side of nest 7:22:08 and looks out the BD; moves to front of nest 7:23:16 to watch & preen; scratches head 7:50:56; moves some twigs 7:54:37; checks out pantry again 7:59:50; attacks pine bough w/foot 8:05:45 then beaks it; picks up a stick 8:07:02, carries it to the center of nest, holds it w/ foot & nibbles on it, attacks it w/foot 8:08:22, picks it up 8:08:39, plays with it, slings it & pounces on it 8:08:46; grabs a large stick at the left rail 8:09:01 & moves it to the right side 8:09:13; heads back to pantry & picks up a stick 8:10:02; heads over to right rail 8:10:43 to play; scratches head 8:18:31; tracks something 8:20:20; M in FD w/fluff 8:20:29 & B10 rushes her squeeing; M picks up fluff 8:20:37 & places it on B10; B10 foots the fluff 8:21:30 and nibbles at it; B10 sits down 8:22:36, chitters at M and moves fluff; B10 lays down 8:23:07 then gets back up 8:23:23; B10 plays with pine bough 8:24:22; M finds some nestovers 8:24:53 & eats it 8:25:26; B10 PS 8:25:45 then runs over to tell M to feed her; M eats another nestover bone 8:26:15 & 8:26:45; B10 scratches head 8:27:37, lays near M's feet 8:28:35; M puts her talon on B10's shoulder 8:28:50; B10 bites M's talon 8:29:37 & M has to use wing to keep balance, more talon nibbles 8:29:47; M hops to LB 8:29:54 & out 8:29:58; B10 gets up to play with fluff 9:32:30 then checks pantry; B10 foots a stick or bone 9:37:18 then picks it up; flaps wings 9:8:22 and head back to pantry; wingercises across nest 9:38:52 ending up with 1 foot on LB 9:38:59, back to nest 9:39:18; flaps wings 9:52:14, 9:52:30 & 9:52:41; flaps & hops 9:53:17 back to Y-nook; back to nest 10:00:22; wingercises 10:27:03; hops across nest & up on Y-nook sticks 10:28:34; back to nest 10:29:59; rouses 11:31:07; wingercising 11:33:22. Cam 1 reset 12:52pm. Nice wingercising 1:05:37, all the way up the Y-nook at 1:05:53 (may have been on Cam 1 branch!), both feet appear to be on the LB 1:05:59; M in BD w/fluff 2:20:49, M to LB 2:23:56 & out 2:24:00; B10 basks in the sun until getting up at 4:25:35 to play w/sticks at right rail; attacks a stick w/foot 4:27:22; wing flaps 4:27:54; M in BD 4:28:15, B10 mantles & grabs M's foot; testing (spreads) wings 4:30:54; hops to Y-nook 4:31:02, tests wings 4:31:26; M moves a branch that was in the way of the Y-nook 4:32:00; M to RB 4:32:26 & out 4:32:32; wing flaps 4:33:46, steps up on big stick in the nest 4:33:51; putzes around in nest before laying down 4:41:35; D in BD w/small rodent 5:16:37, which B10 grabs & starts to eat; B10 pounces on stick 5:17:59; self-feeding on rodent 5:18:13; D to LB 5:19:40 & out 5:19:51; B10 picks up pelt in mouth and walks around with it 5:31:46; Continues eating 5:32:12; Lays down by front rail 6:05:47; Gets up to stretch and preen 7:41:01; Stands on stick in nest with wings spread 7:41:51; ps 7:42:23; Wingersizes 7:42:25; Hops across nest and onto rt rail w/wings spread 7:42:31; walks onto Y rail while flapping 7:42:49; One foot on Y and one on rt branch w/wings spread 7:43:26; Runs across nest 7:43:42; Hops from back of nest to rt front rail 7:43:52; Flaps wings and walks onto Y and LB 7:44:13; Puts 2nd foot onto LB 7:44:32; back to nest 7:44:35; Hops to rt rail 7:44:54; Back across nest 7:45:17; Moves fluff w/talon 7:45:38; Picks up fish skull 7:45:53; Grabs w/talon 7:45:58; Finds another play toy 7:46:27; Rouses 7:47:52; Wingersizes on back left side of nest 7:48:38; Grabs a nestover wing in beak then hops across nest 7:50:53; Attacks a pine twig 7:51:30; Walks onto Rt rail 7:51:39; Back to nest to talon attack pelt then nibbles 7:51:47; Jumps to Rt rail 7:52:32; Finally lays down 7:57:46; IR on 8:39:11; B10 gets up on alert 8:52:12; Wing slaps 8:52:21; Watches something fly by 8:52:24; Watches around for a bit then lays back down 9:04:17pm.