Wednesday - April 18, 2018

(64 days old) Per TNT/Bel/Jani - EARLY MORN: Cam 2 - yoga stretch 1:11:29am, PS 1:12:06; up again 2:52:25 for yoga stretches & preening; MORN: B10 up for preening 6:18:07, head scratch 6:19:33, PS 6:28:18, then wing flaps, rouses 6:28:56; wingersizing 6:29:40; Cam 1 reset 6:35:51. Head scratch 6:45:58; IR light off 6:48:29; B10 up 7:55:57, wing flaps 7:56:22, PS 7:57:51 then hops/flaps across nest to look out right side; wing flaps back to center nest 7:58:18 & another head scratch 7:58:29; Cam 1 rest 7:59:05. Cam 1 - B10 appears to be tracking something 7:59:45; lays down 8:01:30, tries to cast pellet 8:05:20, picks up nestover 8:11:43 & plays w/it, picks it up again 8:22:16 for more play time; yoga stretch 8:23:20; wings spread & talon grab 8:23:48; head scratch 8:24:46; wingersizing 8:26:24 all over the nest (lol); hops/flaps across nest to right rail 8:27:18; talon grab 8:27:54, then beaks a stick; D in BD w/squirrel 10:50:06 which B10 claims, D to LB 10:52:26 & out 10:52:39, B10 figures out how to eat the squirrel. Cam 1 reset 11:39. Cam 2 times: M in BD 11:16:43; B10 nibbles at M's leg 11:17:54 & foot; M moves squirrel to pantry 11:18:34; M feeds B10 11:18:57; M gobbles down remaining squirrel 11:22:15; B10 PS 11:22:37; M to LB 11:32:36 & out 11:32:42; M in BSD 12:19:17pm, B10 PS 12:21:41 then chitters at M & nibbles her talons; B10 lays down 12:23:33; M calls out softly 12:36:52, continues to call out gradually getting louder (sounds like food call to D); D in w/squirrel #2 12:40:02 & B10 joins in the squeeing; D moves a nestover (fish skull?) 12:40:30 and M & B10 scold him; M claims the squirrel 12:40:43; D moves a stick 12:41:46 & B10 nips his shoulder; M defurs squirrel as D hops to LB 12:42:16, walks up it 12:42:22 & flies out 12:42:30; M feeds B10 12:48:18; Cam 1 - a big chunk for B10 12:52:06 which she takes off to the side to self-feed; PS 1:20:53, then over to M to snuggle close 1:21:28; B10 gets up 2:41:24, yoga, PS 2:41:48; wing flaps to Y-nook 2:41:52 & wingercizes while perched; soaring wings 2:42:13; B10 lays at right front rail looking out for the next 45 mins or so, gets up 3:32:14, PS 3:32:41; flap/hop to right rail 3:32:52; back to nest 3:33:41; M hops to LB 3:33:48; M out 3:33:51; B10 scratches an itch 3:33:57; Wingersizes attacking stuff in nest 3:35:04; Hops onto LB 3:35:18; B10 branched again 3:35:20 per chatter; Back to nest to go to rt rail 3:35:32; Stays on rail until walks back to nest and lays down 3:53:03; Gets up to return to rt rail 4:22:18; Backs up to back rail to ps 4:33:26; Checks out nest then lays down 4:41:31; M in BSD w/headless fish 5:17:50 & B10 grabs it; M to LB 6:42:00 & out 6:42:05; D in BD w/headless fish 7:14:05; D feeds B10 7:16:00; B1 PS 7:21:48; D to LB 7:38:52 & out 7:39:14; B10 PS 8:21:12; balances on stick leaning on y-nook 8:21:27; wingercises 8:23:23; leaps across nest 8:23:55; scratches head 8:24:32; lays down 8:25:53; IR light on 8:39:26pm. 11:58:45 - 11:59:05pm parents chatter in the background.