(65 days old) Per
Bel/TNT/Jani - IR light off 6:45:22; B10 stands & stretches 7:02:58, PS
7:03:23 then immediately wingercises; hops & wingercises 7:-07:54 then
balances on a stick in the nest; M in BSD w/big fish 7:19:34; M feeds B10
7:20:40; B10 PS 7:29:16 then hangs out a front rail; B10 nips at M's tail
feathers 7:47:08; funny faces as B10 stares straight into camera 7:49:53; B10
lays down 8:02:07; left wing stretch off the right rail 9:13:17; B10 gets up,
yoga stretch 9:19:48, PS 9:20:13, wing flaps; B10 "soaring" w/one
foot on Y-nook 9:20:30, more wing flaps 9:20:50 then nibbles on some fluff;
wingersizing on the front rails 9:22:56; playing w/stick 9:32:11; PS 10:01:30;
M stays on nest with B10 all morning; D in to LB w/fish 11:00:00, hops to nest
11:00:02; D eats a few bites 11:00:58 D feeds M a few bites 11:01:32 then
starts eating again; B10 PS 11:02:31; B10 bites D's tail 11:03:09 then M tries
to take a bite from D but he snips at her 11:03:36 (poor guy is getting it from
both ends!); D gets out of the way 11:03:45 & aerates nest; M pulls D's
fish into the pantry 11:04:26 & starts eating; D rearranges sticks
11:05:13; B10 nips at D's wing 11:06:31; D out BD 11:07:08; wingercising on the
y-nook 11:15:11; B10 lays down 11:15:47, nibbles on fish while laying down
11:19:41; B10 stands up to self feed 11:21:49; M to LB 11:43:18 & out
11:43:21, B10 stops eating to watch M's departure; another bite of fish
11:46:11 then a walk to the front of the nest to play w/fluff & move a
stick; lays down 11:48:11; left wing stretch over the front rail 12:43:26pm;
B10 up 12:43:41, PS 12:43:50, picks up something, drops it & then grabs it
with foot; soaring wings 12:44:57; testing those wings, flaps over to left rail
12:45:24; wingersizing 12:46:08 right up to the Y-nook, more wingersizing
12:47:04; pecks in the nest 12:53:01; preening those chest feathers prior to
laying down 12:56:21; B10 gets up to stretch 1:20:01; and ps 1:20:11;
Wingersizes 1:20:33, 1:21:17 stopping on LYB 1:21:41; Lays in nest 1:35:41;
Stands to nibble on fish head 1:48:57; ps off rt rail 1:54:20; M in to LB
2:11:36; Hops to nest 2:11:59; B10 gets up to stretch and ps 3:19:42;
Wingersizes 3:21:02; to nest to preen 3:22:44; to rt rail 3:24:19; M starts
calling as she see D approaching 4:06:38; D in to LB 4:06:45; D to nest
4:13:14; M bites at D's head 4:13:15; D nibbles at fish head 4:13:23; Beaking
4:13:28; D gives up on head and goes for the tail part while M works on another
piece in the pantry 4:14:22; M takes a bite from D 4:15:35 and 4:15:44; M
steals D's fish 4:15:54; So D grabs the fish head 4:16:06; B10 finds a piece to
nibble on 4:17:22; M swallows fish tail 4:17:31; M works on another fish
4:17:58; B10 wingersizes 4:24:21; and walks to Y nook 4:24:24; M swallows 2nd
fish tail 4:24:36; M out BSD 4:27:47; B10 wingersizes 4:30:25; D to LB 4:54:09
& out 4:54:26; Cam 1 reset 4:56pm; M lands on LB 5:13:48, M hops to nest
5:15:27, B10 PS 5:16:22; M flies out BSD 5:19:33; Cam 2 - B10 lays down
5:21:16; B10 preens 5:57:06, gets up 5:57:29 for some evening activities; grabs
nestover 5:57:54, PS 6:05:17 then some wingercising; more wingersizing 6:10:43,
talons a nestover then moves a stick 6:11:19; ambles around the nest for a bit
getting into this, that & the other, finally lays down 6:23:11 to look out
over the front right rail for a few seconds then back up to play w/pine cone
6:23:34; lays down 6:25:34; sleeping w/head tucked 7:44:51; up for yoga stretch
8:08:51, PS 8:09:47; hops across nest 8:10:08, scratches head 8:10:38 then
wingersizing, lays down 8:11:47; sleeping w/head tucked by 8:35:00; IR light on