(66 days old ) Per
Bel - IR off 6:42:52; B10 flaps wings 6:53:33; wingercises 6:57:45; D in to LB
6:58:17, to nest 6:58:20, B10 scolds D for not bringing breakfast 6:58:50 then
nips at D's shoulder 6:59:05; D hops to RB 6:58:06 & out 7:00:27; D in FD
w/headless fish 8:29:07 which B10 immediately grabs; D out BD 8:30:34; D lands
on LB 8:46:06, B10 back talks to D 8:50:07 then turns to face him to chatter
some more 8:50:20; D hops to nest 8:53:04 and heads to the fish; D starts
nibbling on fish 8:31:31 as B10 flaps wins 8:53:44, D eats fish 8:54:00 &
B10 nips his tail 8:54:29; B10 PS 8:57:04; B10 hops around nest 8:57:58 then
chitters to D; B10 complains about D eating the fish 9:01:47; D to LB 9:02:03
& out 9:02:13; M in FD w/small fish 9:18:12 & B10 yanks on her foot
then claims the fish; M out BD 8:38:43; D in to LB 11:38:41 and watches over
sleeping B10, B10 stands up & stretches 12:20:40, PS's 12:21:06 under D's
perch, then hops across nest while chattering at D 12:21:21, B10 balances on
stick & scratches head 12:21:46, D flies off without going to nest
12:29:19; wingercsing 12:45; B10 pulls a back rail into the nest 12:50:57, hops
to the right side to play 12:51:35; D in to LB 1:58:41 & calls out; B10
hops across nest 2:58:32, spreads wing 2:59:42 & flaps a few times; D flies
off from LB 3:00:21; B10 hops back to perch on stick laying in front-right side
of nest 3:04:37; PS 4:07:08; B10 leaps to back-left side of nest 4:07:38.

were all saddened and devastated this evening after hearing
about Jimmy's
passing. He was a kind and gentle man,
the likes of whom one doesn't meet often
in life.
God took home a real winner today and now we, his buddies, must suffer
the loss.