(67 days old) Per
TNT/Bel/Jani - EARLY MORN: B10 twists her tail over to preen 2:24:21am then
gives a cute tail wiggle & back to sleep w/head tucked; MORN: B10 up
6:14:32, right wing stretch 6:14:43, head scratch 6:15:19, crop drop 6:16:34,
yoga stretch 6:16:40, wing flaps 6:16:53, PS 6:17:38; B10 tries to cast pellet
6:18:10 (couldn't tell if she got it up); wingersizing 6:41:28, 6:41:51; IR
light off 6:42:46; nibbles on nestover 6:42:59, still working on nestover
7:05:00 then peers over right front rail; B10 moves to pantry area 9:03:05 to
nibble on some scraps; B10 practices perching on a stick in the nest 9:57:25,
flaps and hops across nest 9:58:10 and ends up back on stick, more flapping
& hopping 9:52:36; rouses 9:59:46 then has a great wingercise session;
plays with pinecone 10:01:03; PS 10:29:57; wingercises w/high hops (gets some
air!) 10:31:31 & 10:34:19; lays down 10:37:46; D in FD w/live fish
12:44:41; B10 snatches the fish 12:44:47; D moves the fish to the pantry
12:45:38 despite B10's vocal protest; D starts feeding B10 12:45:50; fishtail
flaps 12:46:57; B10 takes the fish to F/D 12:49:55 & self feeds; B10 moves
fish to right side of nest 12:55:39; D moves over closer to B10 & eats some
scraps 12:56:55; B10 bonks D, D tries to take the remaining fish 1:06:41, but
B10 gets it back; D takes the small amount of remaining fish 1:17:22; B10 PS
1:17:47; flaps wings 1:18:04 & chitters at D; snatches a bite of food from
D 1:18:46; flaps wings 1:19:40; D to LB 1:20:17 & out 1:20:31; Cam 1 reset
1:30pm; wing stretch & a "quack" 2:08:07; B10 tracks something
2:20:18, shadows flyby behind nest 2:20:21; D lands on LB & is vocal
2:20:53, what appears to be a sub-adult eagle flies behind nest 2:21:10 & D
takes off to give chase; D back in to LB 2:37:40?; D rouses 2:39:24; BP PS
2:39:52, chatters at D the whole time, D flies off 2:44:13; B10 moves farther
to the right on the rails 2:48:14; watches a bug 2:53:51; Spreads shoulders to
thermogate 2:53:58; preens 2:55:17; Spreads shoulders while watching something
3:11:14; moves back to nest 3:30:48; Wingersizes 3:31:00, hops across nest
3:31:10; more wingersizing 3:31:20; 3:31:28 catching a little air; crop drop
3:31:39; Nice wing spread 3:43:44 & 3:44:17; ps 3:45:48; hops to rt rail
3:46:07; hops to nest 3:46:51; rouses 3:47:39; stands at back of nest until
walks to rt side and around nest 4:25:09; runs across nest to rt rail to stay
for a while 4:29:29; B10 moves from rail to nest 5:41:47, flaps & hops a
bit 5:32:01; PS 5:40:15; flaps wings 6:23:13, wingercises 6:23:31 &
6:24:06; goes to front right rail 6:24:54; sneezes 6:28:54; wingercises 6:29:04
& catches some air 6:29:08; balances on stick at front of nest 6:29:57;
rouses 6:32:01; then walks over to pantry area 6:42:00; lays down 6:45:21; B10
sits up 7:10:12 & lunges at a pine cone; PS 7:13:33; sneezes 7:14:08; plays
with a pine cone (hops on it, picks it up, drops it, carries it around)
7:17:27; B10's tail brushes a stick & the stick falls from the nest
7:19:26; holds wings out 7:21:22 then flaps & hops briefly;