Friday - May 18, 2018

(94 days old) No eagles on nest overnight; IR light off 6:24:09am; mourning dove lands on 11:00-branch 7:25:22, it flies off 7:30:38; B10 lands on an outer LB prior to coming in LSD 7:40:27, checks for nestovers, pulls up some fluff 7:41:28, to LB 7:45:54, to nest 7:46:10, lays down 7:46:28 … Cam 1 reset 8:38am; M in BSD w/fish 8:38:43 & B10 grabs her talon, B10 claims the fish 8:38:48 and starts eating as M catches her breath; B10 flaps 8:42:56 & carries a piece of fish to right side of nest, leaving the fish; M moves toward fish 8:43:08 & takes a bite then feeds B10 a bite B10 8:43:28, M eats a few more bites, B10 snatches a piece from her 8:44:30 & M feeds B10 some more; B10 steals the fish 8:46:52 and self feeds; M stumbles a bit 8:50:04 as she's cleaning up fish crumbs; M picks up the fishtail 8:52:28 & B10 snatches it away 8:52:29; B0 finishes the fish 8:56:10 & M feaks on RB 8:56:15, B10 pushes M away from the RB 8:56:24; M out BD 8:58:16; B10 cleans up some crumbs, moves a couple of sticks 9:00:54, then lays down 9:01:21; other than changing position a few times, B10 still resting at 10:02:53; B10 gets up 10:12:45, spreads wings 10:13:10, PS 10:13:23, to 11:00-branch 10:18:00; a B10 PS floats (more like squirts/streams - lol) down on left side 10:35:42; B10 flies off 11 o'clock branch and goes toward D's favorite tree 11:26:03; D in BSD 11:48:26, D watches something overhead 11:49:33; D to LB 12:11:11pm, turns around 12:12:03, D finally jumps down to nest 2:48:36; D still sitting on nest 3:39:24; D to LB 4:05:52 & out 4:06:15… Cam 2: D lands on outer LB(?) 9:43:53; D to nest 9:44:33, alerts & hops to RB. Cam 1 reset 10:59:47pm. Cam 1: D to nest 11:05:36, back to RB 11:26:42pm.