(104 days old) IR
light off 6:25:22am. B10 in to 11-branch 7:13:14, hops to another branch
7:13:37 then to nest 7:13:39; pecks around & eats a nestover 7:14:02;
continues to peck around nest, finds another tidbit 7:21:31; pulls out &
then drops a small stick 7:25:33; plays with another stick 7:25:57; balances on
then walks around with bigger stick 7:26:27; plays with pinecone 7:29:06 then a
stick; 7:29:27; hops to Y-nook 7:30:23 where s/he bites at a stick, hops back
to nest w/stick 7:30:6; hops to Cam 1 branch 7:31:08; to LB 7:34:15; to nest
7:35:18 to attack more sticks; B10 to 11:00-branch 7:37:55; flies off 7:398:54;
B10 back in & lands on outer LB 7:39:36, hops to nest 7:40:27 and checks
for nestovers again; to Y-nook 7:43:49; back to nest 7:46:17; is startled &
flaps wings 7:46:40 & 7:46:46; to RB 7:47:10; back to nest 7:47:49; flies
out BSD 7:48:13; B10 lands on 11:00-branch 10:16:05, hops to nest 10:16:21,
flies out BSD 10:20:47; Cam 1 goes down 12:21pm. CAM 2 Times: B10 lands on
outer LB 12:20:43, hops to nest 12:21:10, plays with stick toy 12:35:15, B10
flies out BSD 12:44:19; B10 lands on LB 1:25:45-ish, hops to nest 1:26:00, lays
down 1:26:46; B10 calls out 1:38:12; gets up 1:41:45; B10 flies out BSD
1:45:23; D in BSD w/squirrel 1:49:23 B10 in to LB 1:49:48, D to RB 1:59:58, D
hops to LB 1:50:24; D flies off 2:15:15; B10 starts squeeing 2:20:15, M in FD
w/UFO 2:20:19 which B10 quickly grabs; B10 eats as M watches & stays out of
the way; B10 gulps down a squirrel tail 2:50:03 then continues eating; B10
rushes at M but M just steps aside 2:55:30 but M stands strong; M out BD
3:19:34; B10 to 11:00-branch 3:24:55; B10 flies off around 4:48; D in to LB
6:42:05, D to nest 6:42:26; squeeing B10 flies in & lands on outer LB
6:45:02; B10 to nest 6:45:24 & chases D to RB 6:45:26; B10 yells until D
flies out 6:45:52; B10 lays down 6:47:49; calls out 7:00:26, 7:02:21, 7:03:12,
7:04:16, 7:04:26 , 7:05:02, 7:10:10, 7:13:23, 7:15:53, 7:17:50, 7:18:55,
7:21:30, 7:22:15; stands up 7:22:21 picks up some nestovers 7:22:35; Cam 2
reset 7:35; B10 lays back down 7:36:25; B10 stands up & shakes off the rain
7:53:16, goes to 11:00-branch 7:53:38; B10 flies off 8:02-ish.