(86 days old) B10
spent 1st night off nest tree, nest is empty as IR light goes off 6:23:36am;
Cam 1 reset 7:22am. D in BSD w/fish 8:57:12, M in BSD 8:59:43 and she squees
(calling to B10?); D to LB 9:09:-03 (M still calling), D rouses 9:10:27, B10
heard squeeing in the background 9:10:32; D out 9:12:10; M nibbles on fish
9:17:22 & picks it up, luring loudly squeeing B10 flies to nest tree &
lands on a back right branch; on right side of nest 9:18:15, B10 moves closer
to nest 9:18:48, climbs on nest 9:18:57 & snatches the fish from M 9:18:57,
mantles and starts eating; B10 rushes M 9:30:53, M hops to LB 9:30:58 &
flies out 9:31:11; B10 lays down 9:34:10. … Sounds like D lands on outer LB
10:02:11 & B10 squees & jumps up; thumping noise on Cam 1 10:06:07, B10
raises wing (bird nearby?) 10:06:44; M heard calling in background (unless
there's a clever mockingbird or bluejay mimicing her, or maybe a cell phone)
10:07:20 as B10 goes to Y-Nook; B10 hops to nest 10:08:34, lays down 10:08:50
as more calls/alerts heard. … D in BD w/big headless fish 10:53:38 &
resting B10 jumps up to grab it & mantle 10:54:40, B10 moves fish 10:54:29
& starts eating 10:54:53; D to LB 10:57:49 & out10:58:04; M in BSD
w/empty talons 11:01:40 & B10 attacks her foots then rushes back to mantle
fish 11:01:45; B10 starts eating again 11:07:20; B10 turns and squees at M
11:26:24 & M moves to the fish 11:26:36, starts feeding B10; B10 steals the
fish 11:28:30 & M steals it back 11:28:45 & feeds B10 again; B10 feaks
on right rail 11:32:18 then squats down 11:33:50; M feeds B10 11:34:17; M
begins swallowing the remaining fish 11:41:10 as B10 chatters at her; B10 PS
11:46:33; M keeps a watchful eye on something 11:46:46, B10 starts to lay at
her feet 11:47:04 but then stands back up; M still watching something 11:57:51;
M preens 12:31:36; M calls out 12:33:26; M rouses 12:33:48 then calls again
12:33:54; M to LB 12:36:00 & out 12:36:07; B10 lays down 1:40:24; gets up
12:44:17; PS 12:45:12 then to LB 12:45:48; spreads wings to branch surf
12:51:07; hops back to nest 12:52:14; to LB 1:32:28, wind surfs with 1 foot on
LB & 1 on nest 1:32:39, back to nest 1:33:16; dances to back of nest
1:34:28, PS 1:34:43; to LB 1:36:28; wingercises 1:38:14, back to nest 1:38:26;
to LB 1:41:07; B10 looks around & squees 2:19:32, D comes in BSD 2:19:33,
B10 hops to nest & rushes at D 2:19:34, D quickly flies out 2:19:36; B 10
to y-nook 2:20:25 then LB 2:21:55; to nest 3:04:08, to Cam 1 branch 3:04:31, to
RB 3:04:47, to LB 3:04:52, to nest 3:05:26, to LB 3:05:30, to nest 3:05:44;
stick slides on left side of nest & B10 jumps 3:10:31; skips back &
forth across nest 3:11:41 a few times then stands at right front rail; plays with
a stick 4:50:15; to LB 4:50:51; to nest 5:40:07, lays down 5:41:20; D in FD
w/fish 6:05:03, B10 mantles & grabs it; D out BD 6:05:45; soaring wings
6:06:26; starts to rain 6:07:13; wingersizing 6:07:34 (dancing in the rain);
B10 rouses 6:29:56; Starts nibbling on the fish 6:56:18; Drags it closer and
starts eating 6:56:44; Finished for now, B10 walks around a bit 7:01:45; Rouses
7:05:28; ps 7:05:58; B10 squees as D lands on the LB 7:07:46; D hops to nest
7:08:11; D gets the fish and feeds B10 7:08:17; D swallows fish tail 7:20:44;
B10 squees and moves toward D making him back up 7:22:31; D to LB 7:22:35; D
out 7:22:55; B10 walks to rt rail 7:24:35; lays down in nest 7:30:41; IR comes
on 8:55:02; B10 gets up 9:06:45; looks around a bit then ps 9:07:56; back down