Wednesday - May 9, 2018

Video: B10 Fledges
(85 days old): Per Sasha - EARLY MORN: B10 wakes up and aerates the nest 03:24:56, B10 PS out the BD 03:26:53, B10 sharpens beak up on the RB 03:27:44, B lay's down 03:29:30, M calls out disturbed at 03:34:46, B10 Jumps up at 03:34:51, M calls out again 03:35:11, B10 starts to squeee watching 03:35:17, M calls out again 03:35:37, B walks towards Y branch 03:35:41 D calls back to her 03:35:42, D calls out at 03:35:45 sounds like he is under nest now. Both Ma and D call out 03:35:50, D is flying around nest and calling out 03:35:53, calling between P's and it continues. B10 looks out back door, B10 then looks out right side door 03:37:38, B10 lay's down at 03:37:45, B10 gets startled by P 03:50:47 and begins to squee, Ma lands on outer nest tree branch 03:50:48, M pipes out and clucks 03:51:03 and it continues, D calls back 03:51:16, B10 stomps over to LB squeeing all the way 03:51:20, M clucks and chatters some more, not happy about something 03:51:32 and it continues, B10 cont to squee and hiss at M, D sounds close to nest as well. P's cont to chatter 03:55:26, P's are still chattering and clucking as B10 cont to squee and squeaks D flies off from near tree 03:59:11, C1 freezes up and goes black at 04:00:02, C1 comes back 04:01:10, M jumps down from upper branch into nest 04:17:55, B10 rushes over to her and begins to bite at her and throw a tantrum 04:17:56, D calls out 04:18:06, B10 Bites at M right wing 04:18:07, D still chattering away from close by, B10 cont to beg M 04:18:31 and you can hear D calling out 04:18:37 and continues, as B10 nibbles on M, has a hissy fit 4:21:28; B10 nibbles at M's left foot 04:23:38, B19 snuggles alongside M and rests 04:27:39, M jumps to LB 06:16:24 w/B10 squeeing at her, M out LB 06:16:36. Per BEL: B10 stands up & wingercises 6:18:05, goes to LB 6:19:00, hops to nest 6:23:42, IR light off 6:26:10; to LB 6:33:28; B10 squees, hops to nest 7:15:21 as M comes in FD w/small fish 7:15:23 which B10 quickly snatches & mantles, M to LB 7:16:03 & out 7:16:13, B10 drops fish & foots it 7:16:37, starts eating 7:16:58; B10 jumps on stick in nest 7:26:20, hops to LB 7:26:46; B10 hops to nest for a great wingercising session 8:36:41; prances across the nest 8:37:44; leaps to LB 8:38:31; squees 8:44:38 & hop to nest 8:44:38, lays down 8:47:18; stands up 8:58:20 & calls out, then lays back down 8:58:44; B10 stands up 9:41:30; hops/flies to back branch 9:44:19; hops to nest 10:38:03 then to LB 10:38:26; to nest 10:40:25, to RB 10:41:09, to nest 10:41:23, to back branch 10:42:03; to nest 10:50:14; to LB 10:50:31, walks up LB 10:51:02; B10 hops to nest squeeing 12:07:27 then starts mantling in anticipation, D in BSD w/big fish 12:07:59 and B10 rushes over to grab it, takes it to right side of nest & starts eating, D to LB 12:08:48, D out 12:09:50; after eating, B10 squats down 12:27:58, tracks something flying by 12:28:44, flops the rest of the way down 12:29:39; B10 stands up squeeing 12:50:47, PS 12:51:27; hops to LB 12:52:15; hops to nest 12:52:54 & peers out BD; hop-flaps to back branch 12:54:51; B10 walks down back branch 2:46:49; leaps to nest 2:51:06, to RB 2:52:02, to nest 2:52:11 & starts calling; to LB 2:52:37 then jumps to nest to flap & hover while calling out 2:52:42; to RB 2:54:31, to nest 2:55:09; briefly lays down 2:57:53; sits down 2:58:44, lays down 2:59:09; scoots around on haunches to pick at nest material 3:01:10 then stands up; PS 3:03:17; to back branch 3:03:44; to nest 3:44:22; hops to Cam1 branch 3:45:22; to nest 3:46:50; steps up to RB 3:47:57; flies to LB 4:18:23; … to nest 6:05:03; hops across nest 6:06:13, B10 flies to back branch 6:08:52; B 10 fledges 6:11:24pm!!! Ground reports are that B10 flew to a tree behind the nest tree. B10 did not return to the nest this evening; IR light on 8:55:35pm.