Tuesday - May 8, 2018

(84 days old) IR light off 6:25:46, B10 has started Day 4 down on a perch below the nest; flapping & turning 9:07 & 9:11; great wingercising session 9:49; B10 calls out 10:01:51; B10 squees 10:18:21 as M flies in FD w/fish 10:18:27; M picks up fish several times, eats a few bites 10:38:36, holds a piece in her mouth & walks to front of nest 10:38:53 the eats it; M moves a stick 10:39:27; M out BD 10:41:04 leaving nestover fish on nest; B10 starts squeeing 12:04:16; M in BD w/fish 12:04:23; M eats older fish 12:04:36; M calls out as if she see D 12:12:53; M starts alerting 12:16:11; and again at 12:27:05 and every now and then; really gets going at 12:37:41; M out BD to give chase 12:41:16; B10 jumps/flys to a bigger left branch 1:07:26; M in FD 1:29:48; M starts nibbling on fish 1:30:08; M turns around and tempts B10 with a bite 1:30:26 then swallows it; tempts again 1:31:34; B10 flaps wings in frustration 1:32:11; M tries to hand B10 a bite 1:32:21; B10 moves a little closer to nest and you can see wing tips from cam1 1:34:28; M picks up the fish 1:39:25; dangles it a bit then moves to right side of nest 1:39:38; moves it back to the left 1:39:59; B10 hops higher on left side 1:40:40; B10 moves lower and closer to trunk 1:47:13; BCE zooms out on A/C to better see B10 on lower left limb; Stays there for quite a while as M patiently waits in the nest; M picks up the fish again 3:01:27; and puts it in the pantry 3:01:38; picks it up again 3:01:58; and flies out the BD with it in her mouth 3:02:16; M in FD w/same fish 3:02:32; M moves to back right of nest 3:04:56; M is looking over the back rt rail as B10 moves to the back right side of tree 3:06:08; B10 flaps higher and you can see wings from cam1 3:06:39; B10 goes a little higher and can see his/her head 3:06:54; a little further up and right 3:07:05; M picks up the fish 3:07:19 as B10 continues to squee; BCE zooms in A/C3:07:24; B10 flies to a higher branch behind the cam2 branch 3:08:25; hops to a lower one 3:08:57; B10 flaps as M starts eating fish 3:10:04; B10 flaps and turns around on that branch for a bit then hops to a higher branch behind cam2 still pitching a fit 3:11:37; moves farther to the left 3:12:16; M picks up the fish to taunt B10 and moves it to the pantry 3:12:22; B10 hops even higher to the left 3:12:34; turns around 3:12:51; M walkes to back of nest with a piece of fish as B10 squees louder 3:13:01; B10 flies to a lower right branch 3:13:29; B10 hops to a right branch out of sight 3:14:07; B10 hops to branch on the side of nest 3:14:35; Hops in nest 3:14:37; Cheers from ground peeps can be heard; B10 pushes M out of the way and grabs fish mantling big time then eats 3:14:41; B10, with fish in mouth, rushes at M drops fish and grabs her talon 3:15:23; then takes the fish to the back of the nest again 3:15:32; Fish gone, B10 rushes at M again almost knocking her out so M hops to the RB 3:16:48; M out 3:17:05; B10 hunts for scraps, attacks sticks, and checks out the nest before hopping to the LB 3:24:44; back to nest 3:26:37; picks up something in beak 3:26:40 then nibbles on it; moves a stick 3:27:58; hops around w/nestover 3:28:22; Hoppy dance 3:33:44; Hops to RB 3:34:57; Hops to cam1 branch 3:35:58; Hops next to cam 3:36:17; Back to nest 3:37:02; Flies to LB 3:38:19; to nest 3:39>09; to 11 o'clock branch 3:39:16; BCE zooms out A/C 4:12:05 … B10 goes back to nest 5:0X; B10 flies back to 11:00-branch 5:11:52; B10 back to nest 5:40:10; lays down 5:41:42; B10 chats with another bird nearby 5:46:40 … B10 gets up 7:29:10 & checks for nestovers; attacks some sticks 7:30:20; hops around on nest 7:32:45, runs across nest & almost goes over the side 7:37:02 & causes a rail to fail off nest 7:37:07; Cam 1 reset 7:37; B10 hops on Y-nook 7:40:52, steps up to LB 7:40:34, hops back to nest 7:41:08; plays with some small sticks 7:43:19; sneezes 7:44:22; dances up to LB 7:47:57; flap-hops to back of nest 7:48:55; almost steps off left side of nest 7:40:38 then tracks something 7:50:47; PS 7:51:25; big flap & hop 7:51:37; B10 flap-leaps to 11:00-brranch 7:51:50; B10 squees loudly 8:14:07 & hops back to nest 8:14:25 still squeeing, picks up something 8:15:22, drops it then foots it; B10 leaps to back branch again 8:16:00; Cam 1 reset 8:22pm; hops back to nest 8:26:18, lays down 8:26:59; D in LSD 8:34:14 & B10 attacks D's foot & mantles, D quickly abandons nest 8:34:24 as B10 yells at him; D flies by behind nest 8:34:44; M & D chatter 8:34:52; B10 hops up to back branch again 8:37:08; B10 back to nest 8:40:41, lays down 8:41:03; B10 goes from laying down to attacking a feather or stick 8:51:47; B10 lays back down 8:52:20; IR light on 8:54:27pm.