(98 days old) IR
light off 6:21:21am; B10 lands on a left branch 6:33:01, to nest 6:34:52 and
checks for nestovers, to y-nook 6:36:38, to Cam1 branch 6:37:50, to nest
6:38:33, to RB 6:39:32, turns around on branch 6:40:28, to nest 6:41:55,
scraches head 6:42:55 and works on casting a pellet 6:42:42 & another
6:45:00, to LB 6:46:08, to nest 6:47:57, to LB 6:49:58, to nest 6:50:50, to LB
6:51:49 & flies out 6:53:34, returns to land on a LB 6:54:02, hops to nest
6:56:11, checks for food & plays with stick, hops to LB 7:00:01, flies out
FD 7:01:08; flyby 8:29:23; B10 in to LB 8:37:12, hops to nest 8:37:44, look
around for nestovers/crumbs; plays with nesting material 8:38:07 then a pine
cone 8:38:38, lays down 8:43:08; stands up 8:51:55 & calls for food; lays
back down 8:54:53; stands up 9:20:47, lays back down 9:22:58; watches
hummingbird fly around & hover branches on right side 9:40:41; B10 gets up
to check pantry 10:09:16; flaps & hovers 10:10:13 then jumps around nest
10:10:33 playing with a pinecone, runs around nest with pinecone 10:11:27, more
flaps & hops; more pinecone play 10:12:06 and more flaps, hops, hovers;
hops to LB 10:14:24, rouses 10:15:08, PS 10:16:00, to nest 10:16:03; B10 out
BSD 10:16:21; B10 in to LB 10:41:19, lays down 10:46:13, gets up to move a
stick 10:56:23, lays back down 10:53:40, gets up 12:03:59, out BSD 12:04:43;
B10 lands on a left branch 12:33:33; to nest 12:36:27; lays down 12:39:22;
stands up 12:41:34; to y-nook 12:42:41, back to nest to play with sticks and
pinecones 12:43:43…B10 to 11:00-branch 1:55:38, flies off back branch 2:01:38;
M in BSD 2:22:50, B10 comes in right on M's heels 2:22:59; B10 attacks M &
mantles even though there isn't any food 2:23:03; M to LB 2:23:29 & out
2:23:34; B10 to LB 2:32:46, to nest 2:32:57, to LB 2:33:04, nest 2:33:08, LB
2:33:36; rouses, squees, back to nest 2:34:25, to RB 2:34:26 & out 2:35:08;
empty nest at 5:30:00pm. D in FD w/fox squirrel (roadkill?) 7:06:58 followed by
a squeeing B10 7:07:07; D hops to LB 7:07:30 as B10 stands on squirrel &
fusses; B10 starts eating 7:10:41; D moves closer and B10 screams at him
7:29:54 so he stays on the LB; D hops to nest 7:38:18, B10 chases him up the
9:00-o'clock branch 7:38:20; D flies to 11:00-o'clock branch 7:38:38 and a B10
starts eating again; D flies off 7:42:26; B10 stops eating & moves away
from nestovers 7:47:19; B10 drags nestovers to back of nest 7:49:27 & eats
some more; B10 heads to BD 8:12:41, flies to 11:00-o'clock branch 8:13:14; B10
flies off 8:17:19; D in BSD w/fish 8:32:31, looks at nestover squirrel 8:32:46
then starts eating fish 8:32:51; D digs in nest 8:39:31 and covers the
nestovers; D digs some more 8:44:10; D to LB 8:48:40, to nest 8:49:19, flies
out BSD 8:49:28; Charlotte (spider) hangs out on Cam 1 10:06:23pm.