(114 days old) B10
heard squeeing 6:06:10am, flies behind nest 6:06:25, B10 lands on top-left side
of nest tree 6:07:15, moves down branch 6:08:05, to nest 6:09:06, IR light off
6:10:21, B10 to Cam 1 branch 6:13:56, to nest 6:15:23, to LB 6:17:51, to Cam 1
branch 6:17:57 to chew on cam, to nest 6:21:15, to LB 6:21:55, flies out
6:22:25. Can hear B10 squeeing as s/he lands on outer LB 10:08:40, enters nest
10:09:23, looks around & wanders around a bit, hops up to 9:00-branch
10:12:58 & flies off several seconds later. D in FD w/fish 2:40:29pm; Looks
around then starts eating the head 2:40:57; After finishing head, looks around
waiting/guarding fish 2:50:25; D gets tired of the flies so he starts covering
the fish w/nesting material 3:47:14; Not satisfied with that, he begins eating
fish 3:49:59; D hops to LB 4:07:20; D out 4:07:36. Cam
1 reset 6:19pm. Cam 1 reset 10:22pm, coyotes yowl 10:59:50.