(113 days old) IR
light off 6:06:52am; B10 lands on LB 6:36:59, hops to nest 6:37:18, plays with
log toy 6:37:37, hops to RB 6:39:19, hops to Cam 1 branch 6:39:32, to nest
6:39:49, to C1 branch 6:40:46 then flies out 6:40:57; B10 lands on LB 8:28:02,
vocal 8:29:18, hops to nest 8:29:23, vocal 8:30:37, hops to Cam 1 branch
8:31:16 & flies out 8:31:18; B10 lands on outer LB 12:36:40, hops to nest
12:38:01, squats down 12:40:58 then lays down 12:41:11, vocalizes and
repositions 12:50:03, repositions again 1:30:54 still calling out occasionally,
uses LB as a pillow 1:32:19, stands up 1:44:20 to preen & look around, call
out 1:53:48, lays down 1:53:54 but then gets back up 1:54:01 to check pantry
and look around, lays back down 1:58:04 (uses LB for pillow), repositions
2:07:22, stands up 2:15:11 and calls out again, squats down 2:16:56 and calls
out, gets up to check pantry 2:17:18 then stands around looking down left side
of nest & at surroundings, calls out 2:24:44, squats at front of nest 2:25:06,
lays down 2:26:13, wind blows tail up a few times 2:27:22, gets up to move to
back of nest 2:34:29, lays down in the shade 2:34:39, stands up 3:01:36 &
calls as she tracks someone flying by, lays down 3:03:49. Cam 1 resets 3:16pm.
B10 stands up 3:23:53, PS's 3:25:02, preens 4:16:25, fans tail & stretches
4:20:54 & 4:23:22, flies out BSD 4:26:38; D in over RB w/fish 4:48:02, D
eats a few bites while looking around, moves a stick, then digs in nest; D eats
more of the fish (taking small bites) 4:56:27, D stops eating to look at
something flying over the nest 5:05:06, B10 can be heard squeeing 5:19:57, D
steps away from the remaining fish 5:20:10, B10 in over RB 5:20:19 to claim the
fish, D moves to left side of nest 5:20:21 then flies to back branch 5:20:30, D
moves further out the back branch 5:21:08 as B10 starts eating; D flies off
5:21:53; B10 squats down at front of nest 5:35:29, B10 see something flying
around & starts yelling 5:39:45, shadow passes behind nest 5:39:49, D (?)
flies in from the front and lands up upper branch near Cam 1 5:39:56 as B10
continues to yell, D vocalizes 5:40:15, B10 hops to Cam 1 branch 5:41:09 &
D move further out, D hops down to RB 5:41:22, B10 to nest 5:41:45, B10 hops to
RB 5:42:01 & D flies off 5:42:08 (seen behind nest 5:42:10), B10 back to
nest 5:42:23 where s/he continues to look around & call out; B10 squats
down 6:05:39, lays down 6:06:23, stands up 6:07:45 to look around; Cam 1 reset
7:44pm; B10 stretches 8:00:56, flies out BSD 8:01:44; D approaches flies toward
nest 8:03:05 followed by B10 squees, D in BSD 8:03:07; B10 flies behind nest
8:03:12, B10 in FD 8:03:23 & D scrambles to get out of the way, D to RB
8:03:27, D out 8:03:46; B10 stays on the nest, calling out & looking around
until flying out BSD 8:48:44; IR light on 9:17:46pm.