Wednesday - June 13, 2018
(120 days old) IR light off 6:15:34am; M in BSD 7:42:21pm, panting to
catch her breath until around 7:50:00; preens right wing 8:00:26; more preening
8:03:43; scratches head with left talon 8:09:28; preens hood 8:20:17; stares
intently at something 8:21:59; more head scratching with left foot 8:25:58
& 8:29:28; preens 8:45:54; scratches 8:47:25; more preening 8:51:53 &
8:53:32-8:55:25; digs in nest 8:56:04 & 8:56:24; steps toward BD 8:57:01,
seems to be tracking something 8:57:12; moves closer to BD 8:57:22, flies out
BSD 8:57:42; IR light on 9:13:45pm.