Sunday - July 15, 2018
M in FD 4:36:49pm. M ducks 4:37:40 & alerts 4:37:42; other calls
(hawk?) heard nearby 4:37:47; M calls out 5:03:42 as D lands on outer LB; M
squees as D hops to nest 5:04:38; squees (juvie? hawk?) heard nearby 5:33:17
& M answers; beaking 5:54:26; M stretches 5:59:58; D flies out BSD 6:00:47;
D in BSD w/stick 6:03:00; M preens & Dad nibbles on her wing feathers
6:15:24 6:15:32 & 6:15:37 then M moves away; M calls out 6:31:08; D briefly
nods off 6:40:59; M starts to preen & D nips at her 7:00:35; calls heard
nearby and M then Dad call out 7:06:08; M stretches her wings (warbles)
7:05:55; D out BSD 7:08:47 M softly calls out 7:21:18 & tracks something as
what sounds like hawk calls are heard 7:21:24-7:21:49, Dad chatters in the
distance 7:21:56 & M answers; M
out BSD 8:20:39 & flies behind nest.