M in FD 2:25:09pm;
mockingbird pesters M 2:43:25; M vocal 2:48:11 & 2:51:42; D in to LB
3:01:44, D to nest 3:01:52; D digs in nest, M nips at him 3:02:53; D out BSD
3:14:26; M vocal 3:33:18 & 3:33:52; mockingbird returns 4:42:38;
mockingbird continually harasses M until she flies out BSD 4:50:47; M heard
nearby then flies in FD 5:30:58, she alerts/vocalizes as shadows fly overhead,
flyby from back to front 5:31:11, D lands on LB 5:31:22, Dad chatters 5:31:30;
D to nest 5:32:16; D heads to BD 6:02:52 & flies out 6:03:08; M calls out
6:38:57; D in FD w/twig 6:47:01; M chirps softly 6:49:18; M leans forward while
intently staring at something 6:50:41; M vocal again 6:52:07 & D looks
around then starts digging in the nest; D
to LB 7:16:26 then hops back to nest 7:16:33; D to RB 7:17:47, D out 7:20:55; D
in FD w/stick 7:25:30; D chatters 7:35:00; M chirps 7:47:00; both watch
something 7:53:13; D to LB 7:55:32 & out 7:55:49; M calls out 7:58:13; M
out BD 8:57:11 & lands on back tree.